Friday’s Letters

A day late, but better late than never.  Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear P, You went to your 2 month check-up and got a good report. The doctor diagnosed you with having thrush.  I didn’t think that you did, but agreed to get the medicine to fix it.  The problem is your stomach did not agree with the medicine and … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear P, What is up with not liking to sit or lay in anything other than your rock ‘n’ play?  We have all of these different swings, seats, playmats, etc. and you don’t like any of them.  If you could just try to like the other stuff so it can keep you busy when you are … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear P, I still cannot believe how much you sleep.  I am not complaining, just making an observation.  Why is it that you sleep so soundly lying next to me in bed?  I am convinced it is because that is exactly how you were inside my belly.  When you sleep on your side you are out.  … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear P, I have now gone three days without any dairy.  I don’t see you getting any better only worse.  You have never thrown up this much.  I am giving you till next Wednesday and if there is not a difference I may start to integrate dairy back into my diet.  I sure do miss my … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.  Dear P, I love that we got your first real smile out of you today.  Sure we have had the gas smiles and dream smiles, but when you looked at me and smiled, it melted my heart.  Now you need to smile for your dad and brother.  S has been trying so hard to get you … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

This week it is all about having this baby! Dear P, It’s weird to add you to my letters.  Can you please try and go back on the sleep schedule you were on?  I really enjoyed getting sleep at night and only having to get up once or twice.  For the past few nights I have only been able to … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.  This week it is all about having this baby! Dear Pregnancy, I am so over you.  I told the doctor yesterday that if I see her next week for my 39 week check-up it will be in tears.  I have tried everything to get this labor started and nothing has worked.  I need a little divine … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I cannot believe how much fun you had playing by yourself outside yesterday with the sprinkler.  I thought for sure it would only last about 10-20 minutes, but no.  You played with the water for over 2 hours.  Now that is what I call a water baby.  Trust me if we had the baby … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I love when I had a talk with you yesterday about when we have to go to the hospital and B may not be home at night with you.  You said, “You will just break half of my heart.”  It broke my heart.  How in the world am I going to leave you for … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, What is up with the rash all over your neck and face?  I have no idea if it is from the new lotions we have been using that contain SPF.  It looks like your rash is clearing up, and I am going to try the new lotion on you Sunday.  If the rash comes … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.