Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, You got to see your first movie at the theaters this week and loved it.  I was very happy with how you behaved at the movies and do not see any reason why we cannot see more movies at the theaters.  Just so you know every movie preview you see on TV does not … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, Oh my goodness, what a crazy fool you are outside riding or driving anything that has wheels.  We have been outside almost every day playing and you will drive your truck or racecar until the batteries die and all backup batteries are dead.  I cannot believe how fast you ride your little bike just … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I am so glad that you liked Frozen.  Make sure next time we see F you thank her for letting you borrow the movie.  I know we have watched it once or twice a day, but I never would have thought you would choose Frozen over SpongeBob.  Sometimes you really surprise me. Dear B, … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I love that when it comes time to go to bed at night now we read a story and you tell me to leave.  I cannot believe how big you have gotten, just months/weeks ago I had to trick you by telling you I had to go find my Nook and then would come … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

 Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, It seems like we have reverted.  I am not sure what has happened that you have been climbing in bed with me the past few days but it has got to stop.  I barely get enough sleep as it is, and get even less when you are in bed with me.  I need you … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I cannot believe what a big boy you are!  You realized that your train tracks were getting dirty and took them all apart so we could sweep the floor really well.  I love that you’re getting old enough to realize this and took it upon yourself to clean up the tracks so we could … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I think you have switched from a Momma’s boy to a Daddy’s boy.  You hang out with me when just the two of us are home, but the minute Daddy comes home you are all about him.  I mean you never leave his side from the time he gets home until you go to … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I hope you had fun playing out in the snow this week.  I have no idea when we are going to be able to go back out to play.  It is just one big wet slushy mess right now that is only going to freeze and be ice.  I don’t think we can play … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, Thank you so much for letting me cut your hair this week.  It was much needed and it looks so much better when it is short.  I was only too happy to let you make Valentine’s Day cookies as a reward, especially because … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I love how excited you were when we went to check out the preschool you will be attending next year.  It was funny when we drove past the school with daddy and you pointed the school out and told him how they have … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.