Friday’s Letters


A day late, but better late than never.  Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, You went to your 2 month check-up and got a good report. The doctor diagnosed you with having thrush.  I didn’t think that you did, but agreed to get the medicine to fix it.  The problem is your stomach did not agree with the medicine and I cannot handle how unhappy you were.  I have given up on the medicine and refuse to give you anymore.  The crying fits and pain you were in are not worth it.

Dear S, I am happy to see that you have come out of your shell when it comes to swimming.  I cannot believe how after swimming one afternoon with your cousins you can now do belly smackers, back smackers, cannonballs and more.  We also let you take your life jacket off and you surprised B and me that you can swim.


Dear B, When is S’s slide going to be done?  He is always playing on ever slide that he gets a chance too.  It would be nice if he had one in his own backyard that is not the tiny Little Tikes slide that toddlers play on.

Tiny Little Tikes Slide

Tiny Little Tikes Slide

Dear Skunk, I smell you have taken up residence in our neighborhood.  I am not sure why you decided to move here, but I recommend that you not stay.  Let’s hope this was just a vacation and you will go back to where you came from.  If not, this may not have a happy ending.

Dear Target, I am so happy with what I found visiting you this week. The 90% clearance hauls were much better than I anticipated.  It also didn’t hurt that I got some toys at 70% off either.


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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.