Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear S, I love when I had a talk with you yesterday about when we have to go to the hospital and B may not be home at night with you.  You said, “You will just break half of my heart.”  It broke my heart.  How in the world am I going to leave you for a night?  We have never been apart for a night.  I have always been there for you when you wake up in the middle of the night.  Please just sleep through the night for anyone else so I don’t have to be in the hospital stressing about you.  Yes, I promise I will call you a ton when I am gone.

Dear B, It looks like we are in the 7th inning stretch and need to really prepare for the bottom of the 9th which I think is going to come a lot faster than we think.  Maybe we should really think about packing a suitcase for the hospital and finish getting the babies room ready (at least half ready).  I think it is time to put the base of the carseat in the car.  Not necessarily strap it in yet because S will not like to be moved, but just keep it in the car.

Dear New Baby, The doctor believes that you flipped, which I would agree with her.  You were moving so much Wednesday I could not stop taking videos because it was disgusting.  Based on what the doctor could determine as far as dilation and so forth looks like we will be seeing you in about 3 weeks instead of 4 if I had to guess.  The doctor agreed.

Dear Target, Thank you for giving me a great haul of Easter clearance last Saturday.  I was so happy with my finds it just makes me itchy to get the summer and toy clearances this summer.  I am pretty sure I am going to be skipping you until after the baby is born.

Dear Subway, I know I am not allowed to have uncooked lunchmeat, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have tuna.  I have been craving a tuna footlong since I did a survey online.  Let me tell you it was fantastic and I cannot wait for the turkey/ham footlong I will pick up on the way to the hospital to eat as soon as the baby is born.  Traditions will continue I ate a footlong as soon as S was born and will do the same this time.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.