Friday’s Letters


This week it is all about having this baby!

Dear P, It’s weird to add you to my letters.  Can you please try and go back on the sleep schedule you were on?  I really enjoyed getting sleep at night and only having to get up once or twice.  For the past few nights I have only been able to lie down once or twice and not for very long.  I need more than a total of 3-4 hours a night to function.

Dear S, I cannot believe how helpful you have been this week with B going back to work.  I love that when I ask you to watch P when I get a shower, you happily agree.  I can’t believe you actually pay attention and come to let me know if she is fussing or crying.  I hope check marks are going to be good for payment.

Dear B, I am so happy that you are going to be off again for a week.  I could really use some sleep.  Maybe by the next time you have to go back to work we will be on a little bit better of a schedule.

Dear Target, Oh how I have missed you.  I feel like we need some reconnecting time just the two of us.  I am going to make an effort to come and see you more often, even if I do have to bring the kids with me.

Dear Blog, I really am trying to catch up on you.  I know I have reviews from May that I still need to post and I need to make sure to try and do a daily posting.  If P cooperates like she is right now, I just may be able to squeeze in a little time for you.

Chillin' while mom works on the computer.

Chillin’ while mom works on the computer.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.