Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, What is up with not liking to sit or lay in anything other than your rock ‘n’ play?  We have all of these different swings, seats, playmats, etc. and you don’t like any of them.  If you could just try to like the other stuff so it can keep you busy when you are awake or you can sleep in them during the day that would be great.

Dear S, I cannot believe how excited you were last night when you saw a firework let alone the whole show.  Everyone around us saw and heard how excited you were.  I told you today that you needed a nap if you wanted to go to more fireworks today and for the first time in almost 2 years you did not fight me to take a nap.  I wish that happened more often.  Maybe next time we won’t have to drive around to get you to fall asleep.

Dear B, I know you are not happy about trading in the GTI, but really the lease was almost up on it anyway.  You are just going to have to drive the mini-van and become a “soccer dad.”  Yes we all fit in the GTI, but nothing else would fit in there with us.  How are we supposed to go to the store and buy groceries if there is no room in the car for them?  Maybe in six months we will look again at getting another GTI.

Dear People who attend fireworks, In case you didn’t realize it is terribly rude to put your chair directly in front of someone who is sitting on a blanket.  If you sit 6 inches from my face there is no way I can see around you.

Dear Derby, P is not something you can walk all over.  When she is lying or sleeping on the ground you cannot walk all over her like she is not even there.  I know you did the same thing when S was a baby, so it is not just P.  I think you just don’t care.

Dear Target, I really wanted to visit you this week, it just never seemed to work out.  Maybe next week I will have better luck.

Dear Dairy, Oh how I miss you.  I love having a big bowl of cereal in the morning and have been totally missing you.  I will not betray you and try one of your ugly stepsisters like almond or coconut milk.  I really wish I could have some cheese you create.  It is so tasty.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.