Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear S, I love that when it comes time to go to bed at night now we read a story and you tell me to leave.  I cannot believe how big you have gotten, just months/weeks ago I had to trick you by telling you I had to go find my Nook and then would come back in your room (which I never did).

Dear B, You are so close to finishing the furniture for S’s room which means I am so close to getting the rest of the furniture for the baby’s room.  What always ends up being the downfall, you hate to finish that last little bit of work.  Sorry to say that we need drawers for the dressers and not just the finished fronts.  So close, yet so far from the finish line.

Dear New Baby, Have you given anymore consideration to coming early?  I just hope that we can come to an agreement to get me out of this pain sooner rather than later.  I finally went and bought diapers so coming early will not be an issue.

Dear Target, Again, B went with me to visit you again this week and I spent way more money than I planned.  I can restrain myself when it comes to buying stuff, but B always seems to find more than what is really needed

Dear Neezer, Did you really have to climb inside S’s tunnel to take a snooze and then wake up to get rid of that hairball?  I am only too happy that B was here to clean up your mess.  Maybe next time you can go outside to get rid of your hairball.  When S gets up this morning he is going to have a canary to see that his tunnel was dismantled.  I hope you can explain this all to him.

Dear Sleep, Oh how you elude me.  When I really want to fall asleep I lay there till after 3 am, and on days I want to stay up a little late, I am sleeping before dinner.  Is it the baby throwing off this schedule or is it all in my mind.  I can never tell and after the baby is born it will either be the baby crying or did I just hear the baby crying keeping me up at night.



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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.