Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear S, I cannot believe what a big boy you are!  You realized that your train tracks were getting dirty and took them all apart so we could sweep the floor really well.  I love that you’re getting old enough to realize this and took it upon yourself to clean up the tracks so we could clean the floor.  I just wish that you would see that toys all over the floor also are considered dirty and need to be cleaned up.  Once you figure that out we will be golden.

Dear B, Yup we only have a little over 10 weeks and then we are starting all over again with a baby.  That means we really need to buckle down and get the furniture ready for S’s room so we can have the furniture for the baby.  Wait, first we need to clean the baby room out before we can even set it up.  I know it is a lot; somehow we will get it done.

Dear New Baby, Thank you for passing the glucose test.  I really did not want to have to do anything about it.  I know you only have about 10 weeks before you make your debut.  I would really like it if you did it in 8 weeks because I do not want to have to carry you any longer than possible.  I cannot wait for the physical relief my body will get after you are born.  It is almost immediate pain relief.

Dear Target, Thank you for being so kind to B last night.  He tagged along so we could check out diaper pails, and I think he was grateful that there was not a lot of new clearance so the trip to Target was a quick one.

Dear Snow, Seriously you dumped about 9 inches on us this past week and now we are supposed to get a bunch more this coming week.  When is all this snow going to stop and Spring actually take effect?  I am ready to be outside and S definitely cannot wait to be going outside every day.


Dear, I think I am finally going to cave and order you for S.  He has agreed to play the games and learn every day and as long as I get my money’s worth I guess I can’t complain.  Please do not let me down.



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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.