Target Toy Clearance Finds-Round 2 Store Revisited

This was by far my biggest haul in one trip from any store this year. I spent just under $200 for all of the toys you see below.  I did two transactions because I was buying for me and B’s cousin.  So here is an overall picture of what I got at this store.  The Legos were only 50% off, but everything else was 70% off.


In the first transaction, I spent a total of $124.10.  I cannot believe all of the stuff I was able to find.  I really had to do some digging in each aisle to find clearance, but it was well worth it.


  • Here are the Legos I found.  They were only 50% off, but I thought it was a good deal, and bought some for S that he will not use for a few years.  It’s never too early to start getting Legos at a discount price.  The blue suitcase was only $12.48.  This will be perfect for my nephew out in Arizona for his birthday (it is not till next May, that is how far I buy in advance).  The Police Transporter was $9.98.  S will get one and my neighbor wanted me to pick one up for her boys.  I also got the Fire Station for $4.98.  Again a great starter for S in a few years.


  • These Legos S will get now at some point.  The circus was $17.48, but I really liked it and think S will like it too.  The farm animals we gave to S on Friday night to play with when we went out.  It was only $6.48, and came with a nice book inside that coincides with the Lego animals.


  • I got S another fuzzy puzzle for $1.78.  I like them and think I may frame them to hang in his play room.  They would look so cute in there.  The Kinex Angry Birds will go with the other Angry Birds I got for my nephew.  It was only $2.68.  The Barbie Mega Bloks I got for my niece at the 70% off price of $4.48.  S has been wanting a Magna Doodle for so long.  He had a small one, but it is not the same.  While I wish it wasn’t SpongeBob, I will live with it because it was only $6.92.


  • I love the idea of Playdoh and what it can do, but when it comes down to playing with it, I do not like too.  Why?  I hate when the colors get mixed and I always try to keep them separated.  S loves Playdoh and when it is this cheap it’s hard for me to pass up.  I got the Frosting Fun Bakery for $4.48, the Flip ‘n Frost Cookies for $3.88, Animal Duffel Bag for $3.28 (I just saw that it rang up for $5.48, so I will have to get a price adjustment when I go back this week), Magic Swirl Ice Cream Shoppe for $5.27, Back to School for $3.11, and the Super Tools for $2.63.


  • At all the other Targets the Toys Story Rocket Rumble is regular price.  Here is was on clearance for $4.48.  I love this and it reminds me of the Little Buzz skating around in Toy Story Small Fry. I hope to get some of the other characters on sale or clearance  sometime before Christmas.  No I did not buy all of the Toy Story sets, I only needed the three to possibly pair them with the Turbo sets I found for Christmas gifts.  I found another Hot Wheels wall track for only $3.58.


Here is the second transaction I did and all of this is for B’s cousins’ little ones or her nephews.  I spent a total of $74.75, but I was able to get her a lot of Legos and the Mac truck for Wheelies.  (B wants to keep it for S but does he really need two Wheelies trucks?  He already has Zig the Rig.)


  • I got two more Pony Royales with hair that is interchangeable.  They were only $4.48 each.  Now each of the girls can have a different one.


  • I got tons of beginner Legos for her son.  I got two beginner toddler sets for $3.88 and $4.48.  He also got the farm animals with a book for $6.48, and the circus set for $17.48.  It looks pretty similar to the bunch we gave S last year for Christmas.


  • I found another Imaginext figure for $4.48 to round out the gifts for her nephews.  Here is the Mac truck for Wheelies and it was only $10.49.


  • I found another Police Transporter for $9.98 and the Barbie set for $4.48.  I am sure her daughter is going to love this stuff.


I am so happy with my shopping trips this year.  After Thursday I thought I did good, but did not really get everything I would have liked to get.  After my trips on Friday I could not be happier with what I got.  I do not even have an itch to go and see if I can find more.  Come Thursday I will go back to Target in hopes of finding the two items I could not find maybe someone will return them….the Mater Tow shop for Wheelies, and the Thomas & Friends Pirate ship.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.