Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week. We went to my cousins wedding last Saturday and of course had to get a family pic. Since we were all sitting at the same table we also got a huge family pic.  My sister, hers and my brother and his were not able to make … Continue Reading….

Arrow Eagle Archery Children’s Toy Bow and Arrow Set Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine. S is always asking to try a bow and arrow.  Of course since he is only 5 ½ there is no way I am letting him try a real one.  This toy set was the perfect opportunity … Continue Reading….

Target Summer 2015 Toy Clearance Finds-Round 4

This is it, the last store in the area.  This is usually where I get my best finds.  That was not the case this time.  I know they didn’t have much to start with but by the end of the night there was hardly anything left.  I only spent $22.15. I found two more Hexbug cars and S said he … Continue Reading….

Target Summer 2015 Toy Clearance Finds-Round 3

I can’t help myself and headed to another Target.  While I only found a few items here, S was super excited with the Hexbug cars I found.  I spent $11.79. S informed me he already had the gray van, but the blue Hexbug car was cool.  They were $2.98 each and came with an additional piece of track.  I found this VTech … Continue Reading….

Target Summer 2015 Toy Clearance Finds-Round 2

I headed to the second Target (Airport Hwy) and go figure there was a huge back up on the expressway due to construction.  So I took the city streets which took me 10 minutes longer than normal but I think was faster than it would have been on the expressway.  Anyways, I found the most at this Target and ended … Continue Reading….

Target Summer 2015 Toy Clearance Finds-Round 1

At my Target (Perrysburg), here is what I managed to find.  Not everything was tagged like it should have been.  There was a lot of scanning involved to find all of this.  I only spent $19.95 and managed to get all of this great sand!  Sadly, there was not much left at my store.  I saw another customer walking around … Continue Reading….

Meijer Clearance Finds-Round 4

We had one more Meijer that we had not been to, so after dinner we ran to it.  While we didn’t find any big finds, we did get a few good small toys.  We got all of these and only spent $60. I found this 3 Little Piggy toy and could not pass it up.  I pretty much have and … Continue Reading….

Meijer Clearance Finds-Round 3

After we went to the Meijer in BG we had to go over to the Oregon store and check out what they had.  Guess what?  They had a ton of stuff.  Why B ever got four of these bikes I will never know, but he did and they are almost all already spoken for.  I got all of this and … Continue Reading….

Meijer Clearance Finds-Round 2

After B picked S up from school and ran to our Meijer, they came home and got P and I.  We all ventured down to the BG(Bowling Green) Meijer to see if they had anything.  Well they sure did!  We got a ton of stuff and I found a ton of stuff for B’s aunt.  I did two different transactions.  All of … Continue Reading….

Target Toy Clearance Finds Winter 2015-Round 3

I was really curious to know if the Coast Guard Lego went down more at the Airport Hwy Target.  After my surgery on Friday morning (the 16th) I convinced B to go to Target.  I hadn’t gotten sick from the anesthesia which almost always happens so I felt okay to go.  My hand was still numb so I was all about … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.