Meijer Clearance Finds-Round 3

After we went to the Meijer in BG we had to go over to the Oregon store and check out what they had.  Guess what?  They had a ton of stuff.  Why B ever got four of these bikes I will never know, but he did and they are almost all already spoken for.  I got all of this and only spent $486.  Yup you read that right! Almost $500, I know crazy, right?



  • B found four of these bikes in the center aisle and they were only $98 each.  I am a little apprehensive about letting S ride one of these.  I am thinking it may be a while before he gets to ride this.


  • We were trying to figure out if S already had one of these Tonka Construction machines.  S was adamant that he did have one but it wasn’t the same size.  For only $13.12 how could we pass it up.  When we got home we compared S’s with the one we bought and his is a little bigger.  So B is going to let him take one of these out in the sand to play with.


  • S has been begging for this Splatter spray foam since it ever came out.  Well since he was being so good I decided to let him have one can because the tag was $4.99 and 50% off of that.  When we scanned it to double-check the price I was presently surprised that it rang up for only $1 and with 50% off I was getting each can for only $.50.  For that price I had to get enough for my nieces and nephews so they can have one heck of a fight.  (Of course, not in my backyard because I do not want to clean this up.)


  • Although we have enough toys from when S was a baby, these toys were just too cute to pass up for P.  She is starting to get into MegaBloks and the barn will be perfect for her first birthday.  It was only $13.12.  The pirate ship ball popper was cute and will go well with the other ball popper toys we have.  It was only $7.50.


  • I found a few more Lego Friends for only $5.62 and $3.74.  I found the Lego for $4.12, which will be great for the boys for Christmas for next year.


  • S is obsessed with the world, maps, and globes.  S will love putting this together and it was only $4.87.  Why not start P off early with trains so we got her, her own set of Thomas bath toys.  She has no idea what they are or how to use them but she enjoyed chewing on them.  They were only $3.74.


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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.