Snail Mail Sunday

Here are all of the free items I received in the mail this past week.  I am on a quest to see how much I can actually get.


  • Magazines-US Weekly-The Hills, Where are they now?
  • BioTrue-Saline solution for contact lenses and a $2 coupon.
  • Gevalia K-cup with Latte Packet-Espresso Coffee Cup for a Mocha Latte.  There is a $3 coupon.
  • bumper sticker-Two cute stickers with lizards.
  • MidNite Samples-Two samples of MidNite samples (each packet contains 2 tablets).  Each sample also came with a $2 coupon.
  • Astroglide-Personal lubricant gel sample.
  • Kahlua Bottle Labels-I got four customized Kahlua bottle labels.  I tried to put different saying on each on like ‘Neezer Best Hunter’ or ‘Derby PJ Best Dogs Ever!’
  • Peet’s Coffee Holiday Blend-I could already smell the coffee before I opened the package.  It smelled really good. (Not that I drink coffee, but I like the smell.)

I can’t wait to read this US Weekly magazine this week.  I need a ‘The Hills’ update.  The stickers and Kahlua bottle labels will go in B’s hard hat sticker collection.  My neighbor will love the Gevalia K-cup.  The BioTrue saline, MidNite samples, Astroglide, and Peet’s Coffee Holiday blend will be put in the giveaway box for my local breadbasket donation this week.


Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.