Saturday Sales

So I was trying to figure out what to do for my Saturday post now that the strike is over.  I took a few weeks off on Saturday as my little summer vacation.  Then I came up with the bright idea, what if I did a recap of all the great sales or purchases I made in the past week.  I know this is only going to show you how much I actually do or don’t shop.  I do find a ton of great deals online and even in the store.  So if I don’t make any purchases you can see what I thought about purchasing in the past week.  I haven’t decided if I am going to include my Target Clearance Finds in this post or still keep them separate.  Now that the clearance is gearing back up again at Target I am hopefully going to have some great finds.

This past week I made quite few purchases and I have to say a few of them were big buys.

  • Baby Trend Jogging Stroller-Target, $119.99 with $20 Giftcard. I got a new stroller for P. I previously purchased a used jogging stroller and it has seen its use. I love the jogging stroller because it really is so much easier to push and maneuver. Target has their baby sale going on right now so if you spent $125 you would get a $20 gift card. Of course I ended up buying some much needed bibs to take us up to $125. With the giftcard I still got the stroller $15 cheaper than the regular price. Since I sold P’s jogging stroller for $50 that really takes the cost down more.


  • Razor E-175 Electric Scooter-Target Online, $69. Target Online was doing a Black Friday in July sale Wednesday through today.   S has been asking and telling everyone that he is asking Santa for an electric scooter, so I have had my eyes open for the deals. This scooter is normally $139.99, but was on sale for $69. That is 51% off the regular price. I couldn’t find scooters 50% off after Christmas last year so I snagged this right away.

Razor scooter

  • Croc, Buy one, get two 50% off. I am not normally a name brand person, but I love Crocs. The generics are just not the same so I will splurge when I can get free shipping and buy S a pair of Crocs each year. Now that P is getting big enough to fit in Crocs I knew she had to have a pair of the cute girl Crocs for next year and S needed a pair. They just happen to have Lil’ Crocs that would fit P this year. So I got P a pair of Crocs for $9.99, S a pair of Crocs for $9.99, and P’s girl Crocs for next year for $24.99. They came in the mail yesterday and I love each and every pair I got. S always wants a blue pair and the pair for next year. This pair is not royal blue like they normally are but a really bright blue. He likes them so I am going to keep them instead of exchanging them for royal blue.


Does all of that make sense?  Do you like this post?  Should I keep doing this?  Did you find any great deals this past week shopping?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.