Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

I have not done one of these in quite a while, but felt like I needed to do one.

Dear P, You are growing so fast.  This week you are standing and it is amazing.  If only we could get you to start taking naps in your crib and not with me.  Don’t get me wrong I love to take naps with you, but it tends to eat up so much of my day that I get nothing else done.  S will hate it because if I am not lying down with you it will cut into his Minecraft time.  Hopefully the weather is changing and S will play outside while you nap.

Dear S, This Minecraft thing is out of control.  I am so tired of hearing about Minecraft.  I know you like it, love it, but I could care less about it.  I don’t care if you put more torches up, made mine carts or whatever else.  What happening to playing with your toys and actually being mobile and not a couch potato who plays on a tablet.

Dear B, I swear you are gone way more than you were when you were working.  I know you hate this strike as much as I do.  It feels like you are working a ton.  I am not sure if you really are or if it is because you don’t have all the days off lumped together like you did.

Dear Sweets, Why do you constantly keep calling my name?  I cannot believe how hard you are to resist.  B stops buying candy and my sister knows how bad I want it so she buys me a few candy bars.  The kicker of it all B ends up eating the candy.  What am I going to do when I stop nursing P and I keep eating the sweets I will gain all the weight back?

Dear Laptop, Seriously what is going on with you?  Why can I not upload pictures to EBay and Shutterfly?  They both say that they do not take JPGs, so I convert to PNG which they do accept and still they will not upload from the laptop.  I save the pictures to a SD card and can upload them all from the desktop computer no problem.  I didn’t even have to convert them from JPGs.  I wish I understood computers better.

Dear Feedly, Why have you started acting up now?  All of a sudden I am not getting feeds from certain blogs and it makes no sense.  After I realize a few of them are not working I looked into others that have not posted recently and guess what?  They have been making posts and I have not been receiving them.  Do I go back to Bloglovin’?  I miss Google Reader.

1 Comment

  • Jenny says:

    Oh my do not even get me started with Minecraft. I so don’t care and now N has C playing and they can play together and then get mad at each other for building somewhere in their space. Ugh 🙁 N is obsessed with the books too and he keeps getting them from the library. I guess I should be happy he wants to read since that isn’t his thing but man those books are like encyclopedias so when he wants to read with me its like watching paint dry or reading the phone book.

    Ns other new fav is Madden. He will now look and research football players and try to tell me about it and I really have no clue and I don’t care at all. I’ll be so happy when the weather clears up and I can shoosh them outside every afternoon. 🙂

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.