Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, It is actually getting more fun to play with you.  You are getting stronger and more interactive every day.  Now if only you would take naps without me having to hold you for them.  I guess we will work on that.

Dear S, I cannot believe yesterday you tried to reflect the sunlight off mirrors so it could light up your tunnel.  Who thinks of using metal and mirrors to set up so they will reflect light.  Where do you as a four year old even come up with that?  That seems to be beyond your years to even think of that.  Way to go, because you definitely got that from your dad and not me.

Dear B, The doctor finally lifted all my restrictions so you don’t have to do the laundry or dishes by yourself anymore.  You basically have been doing it for the past 6 weeks and then some.  Thanks for taking over everything so I could recover.  Now maybe you won’t have to do everything anymore.

Dear Once Upon a Time, I am very curious about Frozen becoming part of the show so I decided to start from the beginning and try to catch up.  Why did the first season have to have 22 episodes?  If I have to watch all of Season 2 & 3 first, it is going to be quite a while before I get to see Elsa.  I just started Season 2 and am not so sure about this.  I loved the first season, but this one, not so much.  I liked the first season so much I managed to watch all 22 episodes in three days.  Gotta love Netflix, and no commercials.

Dear Stinkbugs, Please go back to where ever you came from.  I hate finding you in the house and want to open my back door up and not see a bunch of you crawling on the screen.  So far no one can figure out a way to kill you, even the cold winter didn’t slow you guys down.


  • Keep up with Once. I’ve been watching since the beginning and agree that 2 was not my favorite either but I think it gets alot better. I just watched the first one tonight and it was really really good.

  • Stephanie says:

    I’m still working my way through season 2. It is so hard do I watch all the new season premieres or keep watching Once? So far Once is winning out. Thanks I am going to keep watching.


Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.