Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc.

Since last Wednesday here is what has happened:

  • Did anyone else watch PLL last night?  Now I am so confused if Ezra is really A or not.  At least we may get some answers on next week’s episode, or maybe just more questions.
  • I went to Target yesterday just in case the Valentine’s Day stuff went 90%.  Sadly it did not and was still 70%, but the food had gone down to 70%.  I was able to get B two bags of M&M’s for free and four bags of Hershey Kisses for next to nothing.


  • I got a couple of emails from Kohl’s each for $10 off a $10 purchase and I also had $10 in Kohl’s cash.  So I decided to just go and get some outfits for the new baby that was on sale but not clearance. I was able to get three rompers and paid only $1.17.  That is so crazy and I cannot believe what I was able to get by using $30 in coupons.


  • I was able to get all of my clothes organized this past week in our new bedroom furniture.  It is one more step to getting the baby’s room ready.  I cannot believe the baby is going to be here in just 14 weeks!  I will be so relieved when I have the baby to get rid of these baby pains.  If they’re this bad now, I can only imagine how crazy they are going to get in the next 14 weeks.
  • Don’t ask me why but all of a sudden my nausea has come back in full force.  I seem to be the most sick at night after S goes to bed and usually till about 3am.  I hate getting woken up in the middle of the night because I need to throw up.  It has made for an interesting last week and I am so glad B has the week off so I can sleep in and catch up on the sleep I am losing.
  • Monday night B helped me hook up the TV antenna so that I could watch the debut of “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.”  Since our cable company is still on the outs with NBC, the only way for me to get it is by using the antenna in the bedroom.  Let me tell you Jimmy Fallon did not disappoint either.  His little skit with Will Smith was hilarious.  I love that it is on earlier so that I can watch it every night.  I am now going to be forced into being in bed by 11:30pm so I can watch it.  At least it is going to get me in bed earlier.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.