Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc.

Since last Wednesday here is what has happened:

  • P goes to preschool today. I don’t really consider today her first day because she only goes for an hour and I am with her the entire time.  Friday will be her true first day.
  • P was telling me last night she is nervous to go to school today. That is completely strange for her because she has been so excited about starting school.  Hopefully she shakes them today and does well on Friday.
  • It has been a crazy week of bus times. S has gotten on a different time every day.  It is within a 1o minute window but still if it had been raining yesterday that 10 minutes would have meant the difference between wet and dry clothes.  Before this bus driver 2 years ago the bus picked up and dropped off at e same time every day, almost to the minute.  This new bus driver is never consistent.
  • P has been asking about when the new Wreck-It Ralph movie comes out. I looked it up and it is Thanksgiving Day, but that is a long time away to hear about it all the time.

  • B found a bunny at work last night. I told him it was cute but don’t even think about bringing it home.  I swear if he brought that bunny home I was going to go crazy on him.

  • S has school pictures today. It’s funny how I spent about 5 seconds picking out his shirt for the pictures and it takes me almost 5 minutes to pick out P’s outfits on a daily basis.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.