Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.  My end of the year troubles are not nearly what others are.  To me they are more frustrations than anything.  I mean we had a great Christmas, our house didn’t catch fire, no one got hurt, and no one died.  (It seems to be a thing in our family that people die around the holiday times.)

  • P seems to be coming down with something. I noticed she felt a little warm today and when I took her temperature it was 99.6°. Hopefully, it isn’t anything and it will be gone by tomorrow morning.
  • We bought a Shark steam mop on Black Friday and finally tried it. It didn’t seem to really get the floors clean or we have really clean floors (that is not the case). B went back over the floor with floor cleaner and a white rag. Nope the floors were dirty. Not sure what we are going to do with the steam mop.
  • Derby stinks again and needs a bath. I know I am the one that has to give it to her; I just don’t like doing it. I think I am going to try to hold off till tomorrow to do it.
  • I made a run to Target today and my Christmas clearance was still only 50% off.
  • B and I both caught S’s cold. We thought we were getting scratchy voices on Christmas Eve from talking so loud, but nope it turned into colds. Tomorrow will be a week and we both still have a cough.
  • I finally let P cry it out and made her sleep in the pack ‘n’ play all night. The first night took just shy of an hour and last night it only took 12 minutes. The bad part is when she wakes up at night to eat she cries all over again when it comes time to put her back in the pack ‘n’ play. The first night I went and crawled in bed with S so I could get some sleep until she fell back asleep. Last night I just covered my head with a pillow.

So this was last week’s posts and I had every intention of posting it, but P had other ideas.  She decided that she was going to take a little nap at 9pm, wake up at 10:30pm and not go back to sleep until after 2am.  The entire time she was awake I could not put her down for more than a minute.  Unfortunately, I was not able to get this posted.  Since I worked so hard on this last week I thought I would include it at the bottom of this weeks.

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.  So even though, Christmas is just a few days away I am going to be a Grinch for a few minutes and vent my Christmas frustrations.

  • I was making holiday meringues yesterday and P was semi-cooperative. I was able to make the meringue but when it came to piping it into shapes she wouldn’t let me so I picked her up. Well because the first batch of meringue sat for so long it lost its stiffness and didn’t turn out so well.
  • I am typing this at 1:30am because for whatever reason Piper is awake, happily screaming, and jumping in her jumper. I have no idea what has gotten into her but she is crazy lately.
  • I was wrapping one of P’s gifts from B and me last night and it doesn’t work. When I bought it everything was making noises and singing. Now it won’t do anything. Yes, I replaced the batteries.
  • I am making 5 apple pies today which basically means I have to make 10 pie crusts and peel umpteen apples. Depending on the size of the apples it is usually 5-8 per pie. Hopefully B will be home and help me. The last time I peeled apples I took off part of my nail and it is finally just now back to normal.
  • I still have to wrap all the presents for everyone. Believe it or not it is my favorite thing to do. It is just finding the time. I’ve always thought about posting on Craigslist that I would wrap presents for so much a gift. You gotta think there is money to be made. I used to wrap gifts in high school for Lion store (which is now Dillard’s). We used to have lines of people who wanted their gifts wrapped.

What is troubling you?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.