Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.

  • I have to say P (Piper) is a very easy baby. The only thing she does is eat, sleep and poop.  She sleeps for the most part long periods of time at night.  Somehow I still cannot seem to get anything done.
  • B has been off for the past two weeks to help out and it has been great having all the help.  With B home S has been occupied and you think I would get more done, but I am not.
  • P makes so much noise when she sleeps.  She hardly ever cries and when she does it is more of a squawk, but man can she talk in her sleep.  While she sleeps for hours at a time at night, it is hard for me to sleep.  Since she is not a crier her noises are the only cues if she needs something.  Like someone actually complains that their child does not cry.   I am not complaining about that at all, I just wish the talking in her sleep would subside.
  • Since the subscription service Carefree Crafts has gone out of business, S no longer has crafts coming each month for him.  I loved the convenience of getting 5 crafts for S to do every month that were theme related to the month.  Now I have to come up with the craft ideas myself and get the materials.  I don’t see that happening nearly as often.  Yesterday, S did not want to play outside which worked for me because it was too warm for P to be outside and we did all 5 of the crafts from May.
  • Now that P is born, I really need to start eating healthier because I am breastfeeding and so that I can lose the extra weight.  Do you think I could do that?  Nope, I am craving all the junk food of cookies, candy, and more.  Go figure I want nothing healthy to eat or even salty junk food.  I am just craving the sugar.  Thankfully, I have not given in and had any pop yet.  I am not sure how long I can hold out on the Coke.
  • I cannot believe how heavy S is now.  Since I had P and have been carrying a little newborn around, every time I try to pick S up, it is almost impossible.  I would carry him when I was pregnant and think nothing of it.  Now, he feels like a ton of bricks that I can barely pick up.
  • We got our new cable AT&T U-Verse, and I have to tell you that I love it.  My only complaint is I got it the week after a lot of season finales happened and now I will have to wait until the fall to set all my series recordings.  I only hope I can remember them all and catch them before they start since most do not do reruns in the summer.  I did write down a list of them but with 100 shows that is a lot of shows to catch.  Maybe this will help me to drop a few from my list so I don’t watch as much TV.  I doubt it, but you never know.

What is troubling you?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.