Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.

  • My biggest complaint of the week is I am still pregnant.  Ugh!  I have been having labor pains since like last Thursday.  Nothing really regular, but painful enough to stop me in my tracks and sometimes I actually time them because they are so strong.
  • I cannot sleep unless I have a fan on me.  I will wake up completely soaked.  No joke, my shirt will be so wet it looks like I was working out.  That is more sweating then I have ever done working out.
  • I had AT&T sales walking door-to-door in our neighborhood yesterday and somehow finally agreed to switch to U-Verse cable instead of my regular cable.  What was I thinking?  When B got home he had questions I could not answer so we went to the AT&T store so they could explain and answer any questions B had.  We walked out of the store now paying more for our cable, internet, & phone then we currently do, but got our cell phone bill cut by about $40.  In the long run, with all the gift cards and rebates they offered when you do the math we come out ahead.  I hope we like it better than our current cable.
  • I got dressed up in maternity clothes two days in a row instead of my yoga pants.  I don’t mind dresses, but the maternity pants just do not fit.  They constantly are falling down.
  • B finally got the trampoline set up outside for S.  S loves to jump on the trampoline but always wants someone to jump with him.  Well that really doesn’t work right now and won’t after the baby is born.  He usually has meltdowns when I tell him he has to jump by himself or nothing.  It could be a long summer of trampoline jumping.

  • As I am typing this I realized I totally missed The Blacklist that was on last night.  I hate not having NBC, but that is going to change next week when I switch cable companies.

What is troubling you?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.