Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.

  • I am now spending about 20-22 hours a day in bed.  It is the only place where I do not have significant pain.  I will sit outside so S can play, but it can be so painful.  I usually pay for it the rest of the night.
  • Why is it when spring hits, all the neighbors feel like they can burn anything and do?  We finally get some decent days and can open the windows or play outside, and someone starts burning wet leaves, trees, and other stuff.  Who suffers?  The other neighbors.  We either have to shut our windows or go inside so we don’t have to smell it.  I’m wondering if we should talk to our neighbors and try to establish a certain day that everyone burns so we can enjoy the summer?  If not I am going to be making some enemies this summer.  No way am I going to have a newborn and be stuck inside with my windows closed on nice days.  I’ll go complain to the neighbors and then B will have to smooth it over with them, or B will have to go and talk to the neighbors.  It will be a wait and see game.
  • I think I started something bad with S.  I introduced boxers to him last week when I picked some up in his size.  Sunday night I put a pair on him and he loved them (They were so adorable on him).  He wore them all night and then all day (under his clothes) on Monday no complaining.  If he actually switches to boxers what am I going to do with all the briefs I bought in the next few sizes?  I don’t think a girl is going to want to wear boy undies.


  • I broke down and had a lunchmeat sandwich this week and no I did not heat up the meat.  It tasted soooooo good.  I cannot wait to eat a Subway sandwich the minute I give birth.  We are definitely picking up a sandwich on the way to the hospital.  If we go in the middle of the night, I will be sending someone to get it and bring it to me first thing in the morning.
  • The doctor sent a prescription to my pharmacy last Tuesday when I was there for my check-up.  I tried to pick it up later that day and they did not have it.  Okay, so I went back on Thursday and they had no record of it.  I had to call the doctor office again yesterday to get them to call it in again.  Yeah like I wanted to wait for a week to get it.
  • I was totally bummed when they cancelled the Nascar race on Sunday.  Then when they actually raced on Monday at noon, I was happy it was cancelled because I had something to watch all afternoon.  I think I need to move my DVR into the bedroom so I can watch it.  It is getting quite full because I never watch TV in the living room anymore, and only watch a few shows a night live.

What is troubling you?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.