Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.

  • S head-butted me last night and gave me a nice fat lip.  I hate when he does that and he has done it quite a few times since he has been born.  Along with the black eyes I have received, I hope a girl is a little less rough than boys are.
  • This baby has been giving me some serious pains in the past week.  I am telling you if the pains came and went I would swear I was in labor.  The problem is the pains never seem to go away.  They have actually been so bad I cannot wait till my next check-up to talk to my doctor about this.
  • It’s funny how we think we might actually be starting spring and then I turn the weather on and find out we are supposed to get like an inch of snow today.  Will it ever stop?
  • B and I are going to run some errands today to get that baby stuff that you need to have just in case when the baby is born: diapers, wipes, baby Tylenol, pacifiers, etc. I was much more ahead of the game with S and had this all done by the time I was 30 weeks pregnant.  I am now 31 weeks pregnant and do not have any of the clothes washed yet or the baby room set up.  I just hope I can make it through the few stores we need to hit before it gets too hard for me to walk.
  • I made brownies again on Sunday and don’t you know ate quite a bit of the brownies raw.  Then yesterday whatever B did not take to work S and I ate.  Being me who ate most of it.  I am only too grateful that B took most of them to work.
  • I wasn’t going to sign S up for tee-ball this summer in the rec program because it starts at 8am twice a week.  I figured there was no way I could manage that and a newborn baby.  I just decided that I am going to be one of those moms that if we can make it to practice or a game we will and if something happens and we can’t we don’t.  I don’t like to rely on others (other than B) to help so if I can’t do it, we just don’t.

What is troubling you?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.