Snail Mail Sunday

Here are all the free items I received in the mail this past week.  This year I am not going to seek every single freebie that is out there, instead I am going to try to get freebies that I or someone in my family would use or full size products.  For example, I would want trial/travel size items, but not the tiny sample they send on a cardboard.

2015-Week 18


  • Magazines-Ok!
  • Cera Ve Hydrating Cleanser and Moisturizing Cream-Great little samples and a $3 coupon.
  • Olay Shine, Shine Go Away Cleanser-To help minimize cleanser.
  • Camel Coupons

I glanced at the magazine.  I plan on trying the Cera Ve samples, and have used the Olay in the past.  The Camel coupons went directly in the recycling bin and the Olay will go in the giveaway box to my local breadbasket donations.

2015-Week 17


  • Magazines-Family Fun, Better Homes sample, and Ok!
  • Secret Outlast Deodorant-A nice little travel size of deodorant and a $1 coupon for Secret deodorant and a $1 for Gillette deodorant.

I looked at the magazines, and unfortunately for me I do not use that kind of deodorant so it will go in the giveaway box to my local breadbasket donations.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.