Saturday Strike

Saturday Strike

I thought while B was out on strike (hopefully not for long) I would talk about what is going on and how we have been affected by it in the past week.

Week 9

Not much has really happened in the past week.  BP sent a letter to each employee about their side of how the negotiations are going.  They actually emailed and mailed something to us so I got to read the letter they mailed.  The union had a rebuttal but it was done by email so I never read it.  Really does it matter what either say?  Both sides are only going to tell you what they want and make it sound like they are doing what is best for the employees.  Unfortunately, usually what they both write are not totally in the best interest of the employees.  You never know who is actually telling the truth.

From my past experience when I was working on the company side we would submit an offer to the union, of course they rejected it, and then we gave a final offer.  The union took the first offer to the employees and said this is what the company offered us.  They voted on it and the contract did not pass.  The union then went back to them a few days later and said; with our “great” negotiating skills we were able to get this awesome deal from the company.  When all the while they had both deals in their hand when they did the first vote but wanted to look good to the employees.  Of course, it then passed the second time.  In another negotiating situation on the company side we offered a contract to a different union and they accepted the first offer never negotiating.  Everyone knows the first offer is never the best.  They accepted it and really the employees got the raw end of the deal because the union negotiators never even negotiated.

How are we supposed to know which side really has our best interest at heart?  Most likely the company side employees have past experience with negotiating and have usually taken some time of education to learn.  What have the union side employees done?  Usually most of the people on the negotiation team are regular employees that work right next to you every day.  What makes them an expert at negotiating?  I know how can you complain if you’re not willing to make a difference and be part of the team.  But really what experience does B have with negotiating?  It wasn’t his major in college; he has no past work experience.  Don’t you think the union would think to hire someone who does this for a living to be on their side?  If you really had the employees best interest at heart, you would want the best working for them.  Maybe they should use the money they are paying the employees who are on the negotiating team with no real experience and hire an outside consultant.

Again it is all just my opinion, what do I know?  I only worked in HR, saw the company’s side.  I am only a spouse to a union worker and see some of the BS that is shoveled at us.  Really what makes these union people qualified to be on committees to negotiate contracts for us, decide who gets what and how much of the strike fund, and determine who is in need more than another family?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.