Saturday Strike

Saturday Strike

I thought while B was out on strike (hopefully not for long) I would talk about what is going on and how we have been affected by it in the past week.

Week 6

When I was thinking about what to write Friday morning I didn’t really have anything.  It has been a quiet week, or so I thought.  Then I remembered all the little things that happened and when you add them together it was not as quiet as I thought.  Let’s start out with what happen last night.

B was reading his emails when I was reading the kids their bedtime stories.  He informed me that the Shell refineries that were on strike are returning to work Monday.  Must be nice.  I find it ironic that Shell did the negotiating on behalf of the refineries and they are the first to return from strike.  Of course when the union and Shell agreed to the terms of the contract it was exactly what each was looking for.  Now each individual company has to take that contract and make the necessary changes so the company and union will both agree on.  BP has two refineries that are currently on strike and it doesn’t look like we will be agreeing anytime soon.  Tell me how this is fair to all the companies who have Shell negotiate on their behalf and then have to still make changes to the negotiated contract so that it works for their company and the union.  It would be fair if everyone who was on strike went back at the same time and not just the company who did the negotiating for everyone.

We got a decision on the unemployment claim this week and unfortunately it did not go in our favor.  We figured that we were not going to be approved, but there was that small glimmer of hope that we would get it.  It was worth a shot.

They did a fish fry last night at the union hall so we passed on having dinner there.  I am not a fish person and really don’t think I could even stand the smell of being there.  Hopefully next week it will be something that I like.

We went to our appointment for the next strike relief fund check.  I have no idea what we will get but I hope we get the $200/week that is allotted for each refinery worker.  While it is not much, it does help a little.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.