Saturday Strike

Saturday Strike

I thought while B was out on strike (hopefully not for long) I would talk about what is going on and how we have been affected by it in the past week.

Week 4

This past week I have been to the union hall myself twice now.  B has gone more than that.  We went last Friday for dinner.  It was pizza.  Why not?  It’s not like we are ordering at home anytime soon.  Too bad last night was Fish Fry.  I will pass every time on that.

I had to go with B to the union hall to apply for the $200/week assistance everyone is supposed to get from the strike fund.  I’m scratching my head, too.  Why do we have to apply, show our bills to prove we have bills, and be approved for it?  They designate $200/week for each union member on strike so shouldn’t we just get it?  That does not seem to be the case.  So either one of two things is happening: one-we are getting the $200/week and they are trying to make it like the union is doing everything they can to help everyone (which we should get the money, but not have to jump through the hoops), or two-if they don’t think my mortgage is as important as the next families we won’t get the same amount.  I can say I’m 100% positive that everyone has at least $200 worth of bills a week.  Everyone has to eat, maybe pay a mortgage/rent or at least taxes, electricity, water, and maybe gas.  If someone can live on less than $200/week please show me how to do that.

Why should the family with 6 kids get more money than the single guy?  Everyone works just the same for their money, so shouldn’t everyone get the same?  Why does the guy that is single have to be punished for not being married or having kids?  He shouldn’t, isn’t that considered discrimination?

Boy what a rant.  As you can see I get very worked up about this strike fund.  I just want it to be the same for everyone.

Lastly, let’s talk about the letter the President of the Toledo BP Refinery sent into the Toledo Blade.  I have said this before, but I have been on both sides of the table when it comes to union contract negotiations so I can see both points-of-view.  I somehow think the President hit it right on the money.  Many have been saying this all along (especially B), and now it is only being confirmed by the company.  It seems like the Union is only striking because they want all positions to be part of the union.  Most are contractors of other unions so their dues go to that union not the USW.  If everyone has to be part of the USW then all union dues will go to them and not other unions making them stronger and richer.  Kind of makes you think hmmmm…maybe there is some truth to that.  Here is a link to the letter he wrote to the Toledo Blade.

Wait, I forgot to tell you the most exciting thing.  Some of the workers crossed the line and went back to work.  When B told me this, the first thing I said was, “Why weren’t you one of them?”  Do you know how nice it would be for things to go back to normal?  What a stress reliever it would be!  I applaud those who had enough guts to cross the line and go back to work.  Why shouldn’t they?  If they need the money or want to, isn’t it there right?  You bet it is.  Here is the problem.  When the strike is over and everyone goes back to work the workers who went back will get retaliation.  How?  They have been told that the union has the right to fire them from the union.  If they are not part of the union they can’t work at the refinery.  Why?  What does it matter if they went back to work, why do they have to be punished for that?  The point is who cares if they went back.  Everyone has a right to do what they want.   No one had to go out on strike and most only did it because they were afraid of the retaliation they would get from the union.  Isn’t that giving the union too much power?  I think so.

I guess that is it for this week.  I can only imagine what is going to happen next week (note the hint of sarcasm) because they are distributing the first of the strike relief fund checks.  Fireworks may happen or they may not!

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.