Saturday Sales

Saturday Sales is all about the great deals I found in-store or online.   I know this is only going to show you how much I actually do or don’t shop.  I do find a ton of great deals online and even in the store.  So if I don’t make any purchases you can see what I thought about purchasing in the past week.  Right now I am not going to include my Target Clearance Finds in this post.  Now that the clearance is gearing back up again at Target I am hopefully going to have some great finds.


They had a promotion last week where you could pick your free gift and just pay for shipping.  They finally had the calendars on the promotion.  I got P’s calendar for her second year.  It turned out so cute.  I am so glad I took her pictures every month on the pig chair.  I fell off the wagon and didn’t get them for the first couple of months on her chair but think I am going to start up again.

 sfly calendar p2015


I am so lucky that the free photo book I had extended an extra week.  I made P her own family book.  I put pictures of everyone in there so she can see everyone she loves.  I made one for S when he was little and we still look at it.

 sfly book

Shutterfly is currently running a promotion where you can get a free 8×8 book by using the code SWEETTREAT.  It is good through Wednesday.


Kohl’s started there 15, 20 , or 30% off using your Kohl’s charge sale.   I have been waiting for this to happen so I could get some really cute summer clothes for S.  Even better they went on clearance and were cheaper then what I expected.  The first order I spent $100.  Then I remembered I forgot to buy a polo for S I really wanted so I went back and did a second order.  I checked the Columbia jackets and they happen to finally get the jacket I have been looking for.  I like to get S a 3-in-1 jacket and use it for two years.  Add that to the polo and I spent almost another $100.  To get the extra $10 Kohl’s cash I had to spend $12 more dollars so I got P two dress sets for next summer.  Now she is set for next summer.

The first purchase I got 1 tank, 7 t-shirts, 1 polo, 10 pairs of shorts, 4 long-sleeve shirts and 1 hoodie

Purchase #1

Purchase #1

The second purchase I got 1 polo, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 dress sets, and 1 winter coat.

Purchase #2

Purchase #2

By getting the 30%(SPLURGE30) off I saved a ton. I also have $40 in Kohl’s cash coming back to me.

Did you find any great deals this past week shopping?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.