Saturday Sales

Saturday Sales

I am still working on what I am going to do for my Saturday post, but like this as of right now. So I am going to a recap of all the great sales or purchases I made in the past week. I know this is only going to show you how much I actually do or don’t shop. I do find a ton of great deals online and even in the store. So if I don’t make any purchases you can see what I thought about purchasing in the past week. I haven’t decided if I am going to include my Target Clearance Finds in this post or still keep them separate. Now that the clearance is gearing back up again at Target I am hopefully going to have some great finds.

This past week I hadn’t gone to any stores until yesterday. Somehow I gave B the option if he wanted to clean the basement as planned, go swimming at his aunts, or go shopping and exchange some clothes at Kohl’s, make a pit stop at Target and head to Meijer to check out their clothes clearance.


Making the exchange of clothes I had was no big deal. They were all even exchanges so it didn’t cost me anything. However, when I was there I did take a few minutes to check out the summer clearance for P and S. I was very disappointed with the selection of clearance. There wasn’t even a rack for each. I checked back to my posts from last year and I didn’t get all the clearance finds until the first week in September so I guess I was jumping the gun.


I didn’t make any purchases. I know crazy, right? I saw online that someone found a chalkboard that is for the first day of the school in the dollar spot section. I am waiting to see if they post the DCPI numbers like promised. My Target did not have it. We then headed back to babies and the baby furniture did not go down farther. I was debating if some of the furniture went 70% if I would buy it and try to resell it. Most of the time it is not worth the hassle. On to toys. The toy clearance is sad looking for this summer. Target is getting smarter with their ordering because they are not nearly over buying like they used too. Good for them, bad for us. There are only a few Legos that are on clearance, a few VTech items, and Hexbugs. I didn’t even bother checking the Barbie’s and baby dolls, because I am not ready to get any of that for P. My nieces are starting to get too old for that stuff. (Not really but to them they are too old for it.) I am not even sure if I am going to venture to the other Targets when the toy markdowns happen. I went to all of them for the summer clearance and checked out the toys while I was there. There just isn’t that much at any of the stores.

Friday Favorites - Target


Change of plans, we never made it to Meijer. B ended up helping his dad get stone so we cut our shopping trip short. Oh well. I hit the two stores that I really wanted to go too. Meijer was having a great sale on their clearance. Take an additional 25% off clearance prices for apparel and then an extra 15% off if you use your Meijer credit card. B ended up going last night after the kids went to bed but didn’t get any clothes.

So that was my shopping excursions for the week. I didn’t do much browsing online. I have been getting selected for a ton of reviews so I have been purchasing the products on It really has made me not want to do any shopping. Kind of get my fill from just doing that.

Did you find any great deals this past week shopping?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.