Pregnancy Update-32 Weeks

This is my 32 week update.  I am not doing weekly updates, but have decided on every 4 weeks.  I am thinking I will do updates every for weeks.  I did a comparison of what I looked like when I was pregnant with S and when I am pregnant now.  I took a picture when I got home from the doctors for my 32 week check-up.

32 Weeks Pregnancy Comparison

  • I have now gained 16.5 lbs total, which is up 2.5 pounds from 28 Weeks.
  • I have stolen more of B’s shirts.  Now that it is getting nice out I need short-sleeve shirts.  I had shirts that were big on me, but go figure I got rid of all of them right before I got pregnant because I had not worn them in so long.  My yoga pants are the best fit for me right now.  I will put on a pair of my maternity jeans here and there but get frustrated because they are too big.  I am constantly yanking them back up.  So annoying!
  • Cravings-I don’t really have any cravings.  I still love candy, and B does not help with that because he comes home from the grocery store with bags of candy for me.  Even typing this now I realize there are cow tails in the kitchen and stopped to go grab a handful before I resume typing.  I have been eating a lot of baked potatoes because one they sound good and two potatoes are so high in potassium which helps to prevent Charlie horses in my legs.
  • I still get nauseous.  Believe it or not any physical activity usually makes me start dry heaving.  B is getting so tired of hearing it, he usually just tells me to sit down and he will do whatever it is.
  • The baby is still moving all over.  I have been taking videos of my stomach because seeing the limbs move and my stomach turning into funny shapes is so weird that no one would believe me if I didn’t have proof.  I have started feeling when she gets hiccups, which is usually 3-4 times a day.
  • At the doctor’s appointment this past week I again am measuring way under.  I measured at about 28 weeks so I tapped and pushed my belly like I used to with S and then measured at 30 weeks.  So I am still under, but the doctor confirmed what I thought and the baby is in a transverse/breech position.  Her head is under my rib cage on the right side.  So she is growing inward instead of outward.  When her butt is sticking out my stomach is all deformed and she kicks at my pelvis floor.  If she tucks her butt toward my back, that is usually when there is no room in my stomach and anything that was in there comes out faster than it went in.  (Get my drift?).
  • I got most of the newborn/0-3 month clothes washed.  We went out and bought diapers and wipes.  So if the baby comes early at least we have clean clothes and diapers.  The baby room is not put together yet.  I need to wash the crib set, covers for the infant carseat, stroller, swings, etc.  I am hoping to have all of this stuff complete by Week 36.

That’s it for now; I will be back in 2 weeks with another update!

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.