Pregnancy Update-28 Weeks

This is my 28 week update.  I am not doing weekly updates, but have decided on every 4 weeks.  When it gets closer to the end I will do updates more often.  I did a comparison of what I looked like when I was pregnant with S and when I am pregnant now.  I decided to put on the same shirt I wore with S, so you could get a good size comparison.  As you can see (or I think), I am smaller this time around which is the complete opposite of what I was expecting.


  • I have now gained 14 lbs which is up 5 pounds from 24 Weeks.
  • I basically just wear my yoga pants and B’s t-shirts most days.  I did get out the rest of the maternity clothes that I might wear this time and there is no chance that the clothes are even close to fitting.  I could wear my regular shirts which would be tight, but still look okay.  I don’t want to take the chance of stretching them out so I am sticking to B’s shirts.
  • I had my glucose test done and it came back high.  They wanted me to do the 3-hour test and I flat out refused.  A couple of things happened that could have made it high.  I drank a Coke on the way to my test (they never said I couldn’t drink pop before the test), and they did not wait the full hour before they drew my blood because it was close to closing time.  At my doctor appointment this past week I convinced her to let me take the 1 hour test again and this time I passed.  No gestational diabetes for me!!!!
  • Cravings-I don’t really have any cravings.  I always want candy, but that is nothing new.  I was told I need to take iron supplements because my numbers are too low.  I asked if I could just eat more food with iron in it instead.  They said that should not be a problem so I have been eating more red meat, and spinach salads.  It could be a ton worse, and I could have to eat fish. Yuck!
  • Still getting nauseous some days.  It really gets bad if I don’t get enough sleep.  I really need to get 8 hours to be okay and 9-10 hours to be good for the day.
  • The baby has been moving like crazy, B finally got to feel it move and you can now see my stomach moving under my shirt.  Once in a while you may see a bump or a whole limb sticking out.  Not the prettiest thing to see
  • At the doctor’s appointment this past week I am measuring at about 26 weeks instead of 28 weeks.  The doctor said it was okay because she is lying in a really funny position.  She is diagonal, butt on my left hip and head under my right lung.  It has made breathing rather fun.  I can’t seem to get a nice deep full breath of air.  I have also been having back and front pains (which I think are from the position of the baby).
  • It has been difficult to sit up straight and not start dry heaving or getting sick.  The easiest way for me to sit is in the recliner with my feet up.  I have given up lying on the couch and if I want to lie down I just lay down in bed.  I am so much more comfortable in bed and it is not nearly as painful.
  • S has been really good about helping me out.  He will pick things up for me when they fall so I do not have to bend over.  We have been working on cleaning up and organizing rooms and he has been my little helper.  We have really been talking to him about what is going to happen with him when Mommy goes in the hospital.  He just says, “I play with the boys, Tee-Tee, and Mike and then I get to sleep with Dada at night.  I think he is more excited about the idea of being allowed to sleep in our bed at night and not have to sneak in.

That’s it for now; I will be back in 4 weeks with another update!

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.