Pregnancy Update-24 Weeks

This is my 24 week update.  I am not doing weekly updates, but have decided on every 4 weeks.  When it gets closer to the end I will do updates more often.  I did a comparison of what I looked like when I was pregnant with S and when I am pregnant now.  I would say I am pretty much on track to be about the same size.

24 weeks

I did not have a good picture of me pregnant with Sawyer.  This is the closest one I could find.  You can kind of see my belly in it.  No one at work knew I was pregnant at this point.  Now I have a belly but it is barely there.

  • I have now gained 9 lbs which is up from 4 lbs at 20 Weeks.  I am measuring in right at 24 weeks at the doctor office, and have to do my glucose test in 2 weeks.
  • I wear some maternity clothes.  The shirts are still way too big on me.  I have worn the maternity jeans when I wear jeans and they are also too big!  I just wear my yoga pants and t-shirts like I normally would.  Some shirts have gotten a little tight, but that is about it.
  • I had my 20 week ultrasound and it is still a girl.  I am having some pretty bad pains on the right side so they are going to do another ultrasound next week just to make sure everything is okay.
  • Cravings-I don’t really have any cravings.  I always want candy, but that is nothing new.  I have been eating red peppers as long as B cleans them for me.  When I clean them, I just don’t feel like eating them.
  • Some of the nausea has come back in the past 4 weeks.  It has been a lot of dry heaving, and headaches but that is about it.  I seem to be light-sensitive too, and always turn off the bright lights in the room for a small side light.
  • The baby has been on the move for the past 3 ½-4 weeks.  S likes to try to feel the baby and has gotten too quite a bit.  B has yet to feel the baby move.  Whenever B comes around the baby just lies really still and does not move.  It’s almost like it knows.
  • I finally started going through the baby clothes to see if there are any “girl” items we need.  I went through my sister’s clothes from F and was able to get quite a bit.  Really the baby should be able to wear most of what S wore and just add a few girly touches.
  • The dogs don’t seem to mind too much.  I think Derby is loving all the naps and lying around.  She is always cuddling up with me on the couch or in bed.  S is definitely taking advantage of the cuddle time, too.
  • I have been to three concerts in the last month, and the baby doesn’t seem to mind them.  With some of the bands it is like she is banging telling me to get them to stop, and other bands I never feel her move.  She must have fallen asleep.
  • With all of the cold weather we have been having, I have been staying inside keeping warm.  S has been able to go out and play in the snow.  I have refrained from the strenuous walking in the snow and B has gone outside with S.

That’s it for now; I will be back in 4 weeks with another update!

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.