Piper 9 Month Update

Piper 9 Month Update (January 17, 2015-February 16, 2015)

Every month of Piper’s first year I will do a monthly update along with showing her pictures I get done every month.  I didn’t forget to do this one; I was just waiting till I got the picks back from JCPenney’s.  Well they ordered the wrong pictures and I had to have them reordered and didn’t get them until I took her for her 10 month pictures.  Then I did forget to post this.  Even though it is three months late, I will be glad I did it when she is older.


Current Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz

Weight last month: 19 lbs

Current Length: 27 ¼ in

Length last month:  26 in

Now that I can type (remember I had hand surgery in January) a little I wanted to make sure I get P’s 9 Month update done.  I had surgery on January 16th when she turned 8 months old.  It was a quiet month with me trying to recuperate and get back to normal.  It was quite the task to try to take care of P with only one hand.  Thankfully B took off about a week and a half from work to help.  He changed every diaper the entire time.  It was a nice little break for me and some great bonding time for daddy and daughter.  This month she finally learned how to crawl.  While it is the army crawl it is still a crawl.  She is still better at rolling to get where she wants to go, but has learned that crawling is much easier.  She has started to be able to stay standing on her own against objects.  If we stand her up she will hold on and stay on her feet for a few minutes before falling.

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This was another month of first for us.  P got her first real cold.  She woke up one morning with a really runny nose and cough.  She was not very happy so we gave her Tylenol every 4 hours to alleviate some of the problems.  It really does help with the runny nose.  I ended up taking her to the doctors a few days later because you could hear it in her chest when she breathed.  The doctor said just watch it and he would see us in a week for her 9 month check-up.  I took her just to make sure because I didn’t want it to turn into RSV or bronchiolitis.

P’s schedule is still pretty much the same as last month, which is great for me because I don’t usually have to guess what she wants.  We have upped what we feed P.  She nurses in the morning, now gets two ounces of breastmilk with cereal and two ounces of fruit at noon, nurses in the afternoon usually around 4pm and then has dinner at 6pm.  She gets two ounce of breastmilk with cereal and now two ounces of veggies.   P will feed before she goes to bed for the night and then still during the night every 4-5 hours.  P gets up in the morning usually between 8:30am and 10am, a mid-morning nap about two hours after she wakes up, eats at noon, a two hour nap in the afternoon sometime between 2-4pm, dinner at 6pm and bed for the night between 8 and 9pm.  She starts off in her crib and usually sleeps about half the night in it and the rest of the time with mommy.  Any time after 5:30am I usually let her sleep with me so S doesn’t wake her up in the morning.

Feb 2015 Crop-Piper vday

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.