Piper 8 Month Update

Piper 8 Month Update (December 17, 2014-January 16, 2015)

Every month of Piper’s first year I will do a monthly update along with showing her pictures I get done every month.


Current Weight: 19 lbs

Weight last month: 17 lbs 15 ozs

Current Length: 26 in

Length last month:  25 ¼ in

Now that I can type a little I wanted to make sure I get P’s 8 Month update done before she is 9 months old.  She is getting taller and putting on weight gradually just like she should.  P started fruits at the beginning of the month and has really liked all the fruits she tried.  Sometimes it took a couple of tries before she would be okay with a fruit.  P really loves cantaloupe.  I think that is her favorite by far.  She is still sitting up on her own a ton, and takes steps if you stand her up and hold her hands.  P can move backwards in her walker but not forwards.  She really wants to crawl but hasn’t figured it out yet so she rolls all over the place to get what she wants.  By the end of the month, P will scream (screech) really loud if we are not paying attention to her.


This was another month of first for us.  We had Christmas which did not go so good.  Naps were out of whack and she was not a trooper.  If B or I got more than an arm’s length away from her she would immediately start crying.  Once she caught up on her sleep she was back to her old self again.  She really didn’t get what opening presents were but loved the paper.  P got babysat for the first time by B’s cousins when we went to his company holiday party.  Then the next week P went to B’s aunts when I had my hand surgery.  She was fussy for both but they all made it through it.  P went out in the snow for the first time to play.  She only sat in her sled but we took turns pulling her around the yard, and really didn’t care one way or the other.  We saw her third tooth appear.  It is the top right front tooth.  Slowly but surely they are coming in.


P’s schedule is still pretty much the same as last month, which is great for me because I don’t usually have to guess what she wants.  We have upped what we feed P.  She nurses in the morning, now gets two ounces of breastmilk with cereal and one ounce of fruit at noon, nurses in the afternoon usually around 4pm and then has dinner at 6pm.  She gets one ounce of breastmilk with cereal and now two ounces of veggies.   P will feed before she goes to bed for the night and then still during the night every 4-5 hours.  P gets up in the morning usually between 8:30am and 10am, a mid-morning nap an hour and a half after she wakes up, eats at noon, a long 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon sometime between 2-4pm, dinner at 6pm and bed for the night between 8 and 9pm.  After Christmas, I let P cry it out in the pack ‘n’ play and she started sleeping in it at night.  At the beginning, she slept half the time in her bed and half the time with me.  It has gotten better as the month has gone on.  The week of my hand surgery I knew there was no way I could bend over and pick her up out of her pack ‘n’ play so B moved her crib into our room.  I’m just not ready for her to be in her own room yet.  She doesn’t cry loud enough for me to hear her when I am sleeping if she is in another room.  (I know I have a monitor, but it is not the same.)  P didn’t really like the crib either so we added a comforter under her sheet as a kind of feather bed and she sleeps awesome now.  I know it is not safe, but she sleeps and at this point that is what counts for us.

Piper 7 Months Piper 7 Months 2

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.