Piper 7 Month Update

Piper 7 Month Update (November 17-December 16, 2014)

Every month of Piper’s first year I will do a monthly update along with showing her pictures I get done every month.  I was totally slacking on the 7 Month Update so I am going to do both 7 and 8 today.


Current Weight: 17 lbs 15 ozs

Weight last month: 16 lbs 4 ozs

Current Length: 25 ¼ in

Length last month:  24 ¾ in

With S’s birthday I completely forgot to do a 7 Month update for P.  Slowly but steadily she is increasing in weight and height.  Even though P is 7 months old she is still wearing 3-6 months and it fits almost perfectly.  She has tried many different veggies and the only one she truly hates is sugar snap peas.  She absolutely hates them.  I think cauliflower is one of her favorites.  P has been doing really good sitting on her own.  If you put her in a sitting position on the floor she will sit and play for quite some time.  Right at the end of the month she started waving “Hi.”


We did a lot of first this month that we did not do with S until he was older.  We went to Kalahari for S’s birthday and it was P’s first time playing in water other than her bath and staying in a hotel.  The first day in the water she cried and hated it.  The second day she was excited and jumped around in the water.  She had her picture taken with Santa and never even thought twice about it.  Much like her brother she just chilled on Santa’s lap.  P got to ride on the 4-wheeler with daddy and loved it.  There’s not much that she doesn’t love to do, except sleep by herself.


As far as a regular day schedule it seems to be pretty consistent.  P will wake up for the day between 9 and 10:30am, take a nap an hour and half after she wakes up for about 30-45 minutes, a long 2-3 hour nap sometime between 2 and 4pm and then asleep for the night between 8 and 9pm.  P still sleeps on me for a few hours until I am ready for bed then I try to put her in the ½ crib next to my side of the bed.  Most nights she starts in the crib and ends up in bed with me.   Eating is pretty much on the dot every day.  There is an early morning feeding, cereal at noon, another feeding around 4pm, and dinner at 6pm is veggies and cereal.  There is one more feeding before bed and then usually every 4-5 hours at night.

12.2 12.4

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.