Mom’s Meet Xlear Care Kit Review


I applied through Mom’s Ambassador to try this product and review it on my blog.  I was so happy to be selected to review Xlear, the Xylitol Experts.

Xlear, Inc. is committed to providing consumers with the health benefits of xylitol, a naturally occurring sweetener, by manufacturing all-natural, health-enhancing products.  Some of these include: Xlear Nasal Spray, an award-winning, patented saline and xylitol solution; a complete line of dental health products under the Spry Dental Defense System brand; XyloSweet, raw xylitol crystals used as a sugar substitute in cooking, baking, and general consumption; and Spry Gems, a growing line of healthy, xylitol-based mints with leading pH values.

Here are some facts about each Xlear product:

Xlear Nasal Spray

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  • Xlear is a soothing nasal spray that helps to alleviate congestion due to allergies, cold, flu, and sinusitis. It does this by being much more hyperosmotic than a traditional saline nasal spray and also by incorporating xylitol, a natural product that has been shown to decrease bacterial adherence in the nose.
  • When used twice a day, Xlear nasal spray not only hydrates the sinuses and nasal passages but it also helps to wash away airborne contaminants and pollutants that lead to many common upper respiratory problems.
  • Unlike many prescription or medicated sprays with unwanted side effects, daily usage of Xlear Nasal Spray is non-addictive and will not damage tissues.
  • One 1.5 oz. container of Xlear Nasal Spray retails for $14.99 and will last 2-3 months with daily use.
  • The Xlear Nasal Spray Economy Pack contains three .75 oz. squeeze bottles and retails for $18.99.

Spry Toothpaste Non-Fluoride


  • The use of Spry Toothpaste can significantly improve oral health, when combined with proper oral hygiene and regular dental care.
  • Spry Toothpaste consists of 1/3 xylitol, which provides 20-25% of the recommended dosage per day.
  • Xylitol also increases mineral absorption into the enamel of the teeth, resulting in greater protection with a clean, fresh feeling that really lasts.
  • Spry Toothpaste retails for $5.99 each.

Spry Oral Rinse


  • Spry Oral Rinse takes a more natural approach to oral health by using a xylitol-rich, low-alcohol, and pH-neutral formula.
  • It also uses a mix of natural flavorings and herbal extracts such as aloe vera, chamomile, and Echinacea to help soothe irritated mouth tissues.
  • Spry Oral Rinse is available in Cool Mint, Spearmint, Wintergreen, and Cinnamon flavors.
  • Spry Oral Rinse retails for $6.99 each.

Spry Gum


  • Xlear Spry Gum has a flavor profile that exceeds regular chewing gum with the added benefit of xylitol.
  • Spry Gum is available in four flavors: Spearmint, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, and Peppermint.
  • 12 pieces of Spry Gum retails for $2.29.

Spry Gems


  • Xlear Spry Gems are naturally sweetened with 100% xylitol.
  • Spry Gems combine the benefits of xylitol with natural flavorings and calcium to create a pH-balanced formula for advanced oral health.
  • Spry Gems are available in Berry, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Spearmint, and Lemon Cream varieties.
  • 40 count Spry Gems retail for $2.19.

The benefits of xylitol

The addition of xylitol to saline nasal sprays, neti pots, and positive pressure bottles has been shown to make them more effective at helping to prevent ear infections in children, sinus infections in adults, and asthma and allergies in people of all ages.  Xylitol helps the body’s natural cleansing process to clear away allergens, asthmatic triggers and other harmful bacteria.  Xylitol is also one of the newest, easiest and tastiest ways that people can improve oral health.  Research done in widely different conditions confirms that xylitol use may reduce tooth decay.

I was hesitant to try all of this because I have never heard of xylitol before.  I took the plunge and was pleasantly surprised.  I have not had the best results with natural sweeteners.  In fact I have not found one that I like until now.  The gum and mints were good.  The gum had a great peppermint flavor that really never lost the mint taste.  The cinnamon mints were spicy and cool at the same time.  I didn’t really care for the flavor of the berry, but they had a sweet taste.

I have always been a die-hard fan of my toothpaste and nothing has made me stray from it.  I decided to give this toothpaste a try.  It didn’t really do anything for me.  The toothpaste was for less of a better word “pasty.”  It was white and thick.  I don’t think I will try it again, but I gave it to my mom and she loved it.   I hate spearmint flavor so I really didn’t want to try the mouthwash.  I did a quick rinse and spit with it and it was okay.  I didn’t notice any crazy burning or tingling from the mouthwash.  The wooden toothbrush I saved for my mom.  She loved it.

I have never really liked nasal sprays.  I can’t get used to spraying something into my nose; I would rather be blowing my nose.  However, I did try this so I could report back on it.  The saline did not burn, nor did it seem to make any improvement in my nasal passages.

You can get the Xlear Care Kit (valued at $65) for only $25 by using the code SAVE50.  Visit to order.

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Disclosure: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, who received it directly from the manufacturer.  As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog.  My opinions are all my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product. 

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.