Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goal-To finish working in the basement. Now that B is off for a while he can help me lift the heavy stuff. It looks like it is going to be a quiet week for us. Since B is off he is not going to be gone during the day so we are just going to hang out at home.

Monday-S has school, and then B is going to get his dad from the airport. When we told S B’s parents were coming back from Arizona he said, “I need to call them and tell them thank you for coming back to us.” It was so funny and he was so excited.

Tuesday-No plans but we need to finish S’s Valentine’s for his class.

Wednesday-S has school and we are hanging out at home. We have Mommy and me night at S’s school. He has been working on an art project for me during school.

Thursday-No plans for today and no more runs to Target for a while.

Friday-S has school. He is having his first Valentine’s Day party and has no idea what to expect

Saturday-Even though it is Valentine’s Day we are just hanging out at home. We never do anything for Valentine’s Day; to us it is just another day.

Sunday-No plans for today, I have a post that is due by today.

Last Week Recap

As far as last week’s goal, my sister came over yesterday so B and I were able to work in the basement for a while.

Playing Mario 3 on the original Nintendo

Playing Mario 3 on the original Nintendo

S did not have school on Monday due to all the snow we got last Monday. S had a terrible barking cough and I wanted to take him to the doctor’s but we had a Level 3 snow emergency and they closed basically everything (including the doctor’s). We had many steam showers and trips outside into the cold. It kept the bark at bay enough to make it till Tuesday morning when we could get into the doctor’s. Tuesday we kept quiet and had a low-key day.


Wednesday I ran some errands while S was in school for a short time. After I got S from school we went home to get B and went sledding. Even P went down the hill. S got a black eye from hot doggin’ it down the hill. He flipped the sled over and hit the snow face first with his sunglasses on.

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Thursday I got my stitches out, and then P and I ran to Target.

Its gross!

It’s gross!

Friday after S went to school we went to Ikea. I wanted to get a few things that we didn’t need but wanted. I got the Raskog cart that everyone is talking about along with some containers to organize all of S’s art supplies, a new duvet cover for S, and a few odds and ends. Of course, as we walked in the door to shop B got some very unsettling news. The national level of his union decided to put his refinery on strike. So now B is out of work until they end the strike. It sucks and we were just going to leave Ikea but since we had spent all that gas to get up there we mine as well get the few things we came for. P had so much fun I wore her in the front pack and she just looked at everything in the store. With so much to look at she was an angel shopping. S wasn’t bad either because he loved being in the cart and every time there was an arrow B did a 360° with the cart.


Saturday B and S went to the Home Depot build and then to Toys R Us to build a SpongeBobMegabloks. Now that he is five he is old enough to go to the Lego builds that are free at Toys R Us. We had a little party for Turbo Tax. I was selected to host a party for House Party. #HappyYouYear


Sunday we hung out at home. My mom and niece came over in the morning to see P and S and my sister hung out in the afternoon with us. B and I were able to get some work done in the basement.

Last Week

My Weekly Goal-I guess I am going to stick with last week’s goal and work on getting the all the clothes I bought organized and put away.

Monday-S was supposed to go to school, but they already cancelled it yesterday by 6pm. He was bummed because he really likes to go to school. S has a bit of a bark cough so if it is not gone by the morning we will be making a trip to the doctor’s.

Tuesday-No plans for today.

Wednesday-S has a scheduled two hour delay for school and then the rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Thursday-I am getting my stitches out this morning and cannot wait. I may make a run to Target or just hang out at home.

Friday-S is supposed to go to school but they are predicting it to be -9° Thursday night and windy so they may delay or cancel based on temperature.

Saturday-S has a build at Home Depot to make a Valentine’s Day box. The rest of the day we don’t have any plans.

Sunday-We have no plans but to hang out at home.

Comments are closed.

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.