Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try and hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goals: This week I would like to get those Smiley 360° reviews done, make and decorate the fire truck cake, get both kids’ photobooks updated, and get out S’s 4 ½ year old pics.

Monday-Not much going on today so I plan on staying home and trying to get some stuff done.

Tuesday-I have a dentist appointment in the afternoon. Other than that I think we are just going to hang out at home.

Wednesday-S has his tee ball game first thing in the morning, and then we have storytime. The rest of the day we have no other plans. Just how I like it.

Thursday-S has clay class again and then the Farmer’s Market in the afternoon.

Friday-S has his soccer clinic and then B is going to head off to work.

Saturday-S has his build in the morning at Lowe’s. S is going to be so excited to build a Turbo snail that will actually move. The rest of the day we have no plans.

Sunday-No plans for today.

Last Week Recap

As far as weekly goals I never got the Smiley 360° reviews done. I was able to make the cherry baby food and a cherry pie with the help of B pitting the cherries for me.


Monday S went to his clay class with our neighbor and loved it. He talked about the class all day. We made the cherry pie and baby food. We didn’t make a ton of baby food because we froze enough pitted cherries to make another pie for B in the winter.

Tuesday we just hung out at home and I took a much needed nap. While P and I slept S sat right next to us on the recliner and watched a movie.


Wednesday S had another tee ball game and had a blast. My dad got called into work, so we took it as a sign and used his ticket to go to the Mud Hens game. B decided to go with us and we were able to buy the tickets right next to my mom’s.


Thursday we had a great time at the fireworks. It was the first of three nights of fireworks. Friday was the 4th of July so we dressed for the occasion. S took a much needed nap, and P was cooperating with us and took her nap in her rock ‘n’ play. Since my arms were free, S and I decorated the Garfield cake for the day’s festivities. We went to another night of fireworks and not knowing they moved the location of where they set the fireworks off we were way closer. We literally hade a front row seat and it was awesome. While we sat in the back of the van, S decided to climb in his car seat and watch the fireworks so he could be “comfy” as he said.


Saturday we all slept late like 8:30ish and decided to go the parade after all. We stopped at Home Depot for the build and then right out to the parade. We were late getting to the parade but managed to be at the end of the parade route. We got to see the parade from start to finish. Since we were at the end of the parade S got a ton of candy. I tried to get S to take a nap, but he refused. We weren’t going to go to the last night of fireworks because S was so tired. Since we said no fireworks I ran to Target and got a few good finds. When I got home from Target, S begged to go to the fireworks so we got ready for bed first and then just made it out to the fireworks as they started. S had a hard time staying awake on the way to the fireworks, managed to stay awake for the firework show and was sound asleep about a minute after the fireworks were over.


Sunday was a day to hang out at home. I tried again to give S a nap, but he did not want it. S played outside in his new sandbox, and then we headed to my nieces birthday party. S had a blast swimming with all the kids.


My Weekly Goals: I recently activated my Smiley 360° account and have gotten three boxes from them that I need to review. We picked cherries on Saturday and I need to use them before they go bad. I want to make a pie and some baby food for P.

Monday-S is going to a clay class in the morning at our neighbors. He is so excited. The rest of the day I think we are going to hang out inside because it is going to be hot out. Too hot to take P out so S can swim. When B gets home from work S can swim.

Tuesday-It looks like another day of hanging out inside. It is going to be in the 90s again.

Wednesday-S has tee ball in the morning, and then storytime. I am debating whether we will go to a Mud Hens baseball game at night. S wanted to go a while back. When I asked him on Sunday he wasn’t so sure.

Thursday-Tonight is the first night of fireworks we are going to see. I am so excited to take S. He loves them, and hopefully P will sleep right through them.

Friday-We are going to a neighboring city to watch another display of fireworks. I think during the day we are just going to hang out at home, maybe go over to my mom’s to swim depending on the weather.

Saturday-S has a build at Home Depot in the morning, and then we are going to a parade, and then car and tractor show. I am not too excited about the cars and tractors, but B and S will really enjoy it. Tonight is our last night of going to see fireworks. They are in another neighboring city that is having the parade and car show in the morning.

Sunday-I think we will just be hanging out at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.