Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans.  We are up for quite a busy week.  Every day something is scheduled!  I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-Today we are just hanging out at home watching the snow turn into a muddy mess in the backyard from the dogs.

Tuesday-Again another day of just staying at home hanging out.

Wednesday-I am going to do a quick check after B gets home to see if they marked down the toys the night before.  They did it in the summer and I am hoping they do it again.

Thursday-S has zoo school this morning, and then we are going to head to Target.  I am hoping this is the big markdown of toys. So we are going to our Target before zoo school and then more Targets after zoo school if the toys got marked down.  I will be checking again and again while S is in school.

Friday-Today we are going to get an ultrasound of S’s belly.  He has a little bump that he has had for a long time, but the doctor now wants to see if he has hernia.  His appointment is at 9:30 am and he cannot eat or drink anything in the morning.  This is a child who wakes up and eats immediately.  It should make for a fun morning!  We told S that we get to look inside his belly, but he didn’t have to worry because there was no baby in his belly!

Saturday-We are going to a birthday party in the afternoon.  Then B and I are going to his company holiday party.  I’d be happy to skip it because it is not going to be fun trying to find something to wear when maternity clothes are too big and my regular clothes are too small.

Sunday-I am thinking we are just going to be hanging out at home, which I am totally okay with.

Last Week Recap

Monday and Tuesday we were snowed in and not able to go outside or anywhere.  The weather was extremely cold and just kept snowing and blowing.  Wednesday we did venture out to Barnes & Noble to get a new charging cord for my Nook.

Thursday S went to play with his cousin’s at grandmas and I went to Target.  I didn’t find anything but was able to scout out the toys for the big toy clearance.  B picked S up and took him to zoo school.  S played outside with the boys and B.


Friday we went to get my 20 week ultrasound and they then again confirmed it was a girl.  So I guess I am going to have to accept that we are having a girl and not another boy.  The rest of the day we hung out at home doing more winter crafts.


Saturday we went to check out new bedroom furniture for B and me.  Now we have a pretty good idea of what we want and the cost.  Later B and I went to see Lady Antebellum for the third time while S got to go to the neighbors and play with the boys.


Sunday we hung out at home and did not do a whole lot.

Last Week

Monday-Today we are getting up bright and early to head out to Target.  I am hoping that Christmas will finally go 70%.  I checked yesterday and it wasn’t, but since so many other stores did I am pretty confident ours will.  Now the debate is do I go to just my regular Target or do I hit another one after I go to mine?

Tuesday-Since today is New Year’s Eve, we really don’t have any plans.  Hopefully B will bring up the Christmas tubs and I can start to take down all the Christmas.  S wants to keep the tree up all year long but sadly it has to come down.

Wednesday-Today is New Year’s Day.  I checked at Kohl’s on Sunday to see if the Hallmark ornaments were 75% off yet and they were still only 50%.   This is when I normally get a few Peanut ornaments really cheap.  So I may make a run to Kohl’s.  Other than that we are going to just hang out around the house.

Thursday-Rumor has it that Target Christmas clearance will go 90% today.  If that is the case, I will be making a run to all four of the Targets in my area.  Thanks goodness B is off so he can keep S and I can really scour the stores for hidden gems.

Friday-No reals plans for today, I think we are just hanging out around the house.

Saturday-We have a build at Home Depot this morning.  Then S and I have a swim birthday party to go to.  S loves playing with his cousins so he will have a ton of fun swimming with them.  I am hoping S is big enough now that I don’t have to go swimming with him, but probably will.

Sunday-As of right now, no plans.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.