Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-P has tee ball in the morning. It is Amazon Prime Deal Days so I will be checking all day for any great deals on Amazon. It is going to be hot so I am planning on letting the kids swim in the morning, got to S’s piano lessons, hang out inside in the afternoon, and then head to S’s playoff tournament game. P is going to hang out with her aunt.

Tuesday-P has Make-n-Take in the morning. B and I are going to go to AT&T to check out about getting new phones and a new cell phone plan. B and S have an ice cream social for 4-H.

Wednesday-Walgreens 90% summer clearance is happening. No that is not the pool toys just outdoor furniture (BBQ items), Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Teacher Thank You, and Graduation. I am going to go after I work-out in the morning. I saw on Instagram that IGLOO coolers were included.

Thursday-Teeball in the morning and then cleaning the gym. There is the farmer’s market in the afternoon. It is going to be hot so swimming and begin packing for vacation.

Friday-P has her last Make-n-Take of the summer. It is going to be super duper hot so we are staying inside. I would like to work on cleaning and organizing the basement (the coolest place in the house), and get stuff ready for vacation.

Saturday-We have the end of the year celebration for baseball (but they cancelled that already in anticipation of the heat). We also have a family party on B’s side in the afternoon. It is outdoors and I really don’t want to be out in that heat. We are supposed to meet B there after he gets off of work, but I am not sure what we are going to do.

Sunday-It is packing day. Everything needs to be packed and ready to go for vacation.

Last Week Recap

Monday B took P to teeball while I went to my doctor appointment. S had piano lessons. While he was there we ran to Hobby Lobby. We hung out at home in the afternoon and then went to S’s baseball game.

Tuesday P had Make-n-Take in the morning. P’s ear was still killing her so I was going to call the doctor to make an appointment when he called me to follow up on our Urgent Care visit on Sunday. After we talked he concluded that she probably had swimmer’s ear and would call in eardrops for her. I love the kid’s doctor. How many people can say that their pediatrician personally will call and follow-up? This is not the first time he has done that either. Even after regular sick visits to the doctor when it has been bad for S or P he has called the next day to check on them. The rest of the day we stayed home.

Wednesday we hung out at home in the morning. S had Coding with Computers in the afternoon. I read for the hour they were there. P had swimmer’s ear so she wasn’t allowed to swim. Instead she played in the sprinkler and with water balloons.

Thursday we had tee ball in the morning. After we went to the kids dentist appointment. They both got clean bills of health with no cavities. P has her first loose tooth! B ran up to the farmer’s market but there is no fresh produce yet. It is weird because usually by 4th of July we start to see some. The wet spring/early summer has really messed with fresh produce. S had a make-up game in the evening. We started where we left off the week before after a weather delay.

Friday P had Make-n-Take in the morning. She woke up in the morning with her ear feeling much better. I ran to Target to check out the summer clearance while P was at Make-n-Take. There was nothing. We spent the afternoon/evening swimming with family and friends. The kids had so much fun and were exhausted by the end of the night.

Saturday after I got home from working out I went for a walk and checked out a rummage sale a few streets over. I went back with the kids and let them fill a $5 bag up with toys for vacation that would be “new” to them. I convinced the kids to go shopping with me at Wal-Mart and Target afterward. I took a nap in the afternoon and then we spent the rest of the day swimming and hanging out.

Sunday I helped B paint part of the fence until it got too hot. Then the kids spent the rest of the day playing outside and swimming.

Last Week

Monday-I have a doctor appointment in the morning so B is going to take P to tee ball. S is going fishing with my uncle. He is so excited about it. S has piano lessons in the afternoon and then a baseball game at night.

Tuesday-P has Make-n-Take in the morning. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home. I may run to a few Hobby Lobby’s looking for this organizer to replace P’s “little kid” plastic organizer. Now that she is getting older we can have nicer things.

Wednesday-I have a doctor appointment in the morning to go over my sleep study results. S has Coding for Computers in the afternoon. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Thursday-P has tee ball in the morning. The farmer’s market is in the afternoon and then S has a late night game that is a make-up from last week. This will officially be the final game of his season. Next week is playoffs.

Friday-P has Make-n-Take in the morning. The rest of the day we are going to hang out at home. I imagine some swimming will happen.

Saturday-No plans for the weekend. We are just going to hang out at home.

Sunday-Another day of no plans and just being at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.