Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-P has school in the morning. While she is at school I am going to run some errands. After school I am starting a new workout program. It is a 6-week program that includes exercise and meal plans. This is the first time I have ever tried a diet to lose weight. I hope I can stick with it. The rest of the evening we are going to be outside because it is going to be so nice. A high of 77°.

Tuesday-The kids do not have school today due to voting. I am going to work out in the morning. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home. In the evening, S has soccer practice and piano lessons, if the rain stays away.

Wednesday-P has school, I am working out, and after dinner S has baseball practice.

Thursday-P is going to hang out with my friend in the morning so I can work out. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Friday-I am going to my first early morning workout. The goal is to go to either the 6:30am or 7am in the morning depending on the day. S has a Family Fun Carnival Night planned at school. We go every year, and they both like it. The first time we went, I was in labor with P and had her the next day.

Saturday-S has baseball pictures in the morning, baseball practice and a soccer game. He is going to have to pick between a soccer game or baseball practice. P also has a soccer game after S. B and I are going to a Jason Aldean concert at night.

Sunday-It’s Mother’s Day. As of now we no plans. Hopefully it will be nice outside.

Last Week Recap

Monday B took P took school and picked her up from her field trip at 577 Foundation. I had a meeting with Steel Rain Fitness in the afternoon to look into their program. I have sucker written on my forehead and signed up for the 42 day challenge. You pay $500, workout at least 3 times a week, and follow the meal plan. If you lose 25 lbs or 6% of your body fat you get your money refunded. (I was skeptical but did my first workout today, the 6th, and met a few people who actually did get their money back!) I have hope. Afterward I ran to Walmart to check out the 90% Easter clearance and then to Hobby Lobby for the 80% Easter clearance. I got a ton of books from Walmart and a few items at Hobby Lobby.

Tuesday was a rainy day. P was weird all day and slept the entire day literally. She did not actually wake up until 4pm. She went back to sleep at 9pm for the night. S’s soccer practice was cancelled. Since that was cancelled I didn’t want to take P out for a half hour so I cancelled his piano lessons, too. I did make him go practice for a half hour to make up for not going.

Wednesday P woke up fine and went to school. She had a few bathroom issues at school and continued having them for the rest of the day. We did go to 3 Walgreens after she got out of school. I wanted to go to one, and after P got a taste of the fun stuff we could find, she was begging to go to other stores. I happily obliged and we found a ton!

Thursday P and I took my nieces to school in the morning. They had a late start so after we dropped them off we went to JCPenney’s to get the kids spring pictures. We also took our time looking around the store so B could sleep at home.

Friday P did not have school so we hung out at home all morning. The rest of the day we hung out at home (I think). I can’t remember what we did.

Saturday we managed to get out of the house early enough to go to the Home Depot kid’s workshop build before soccer. We went to soccer and it totally sucked. The fields were muddy and wet. P was soaked up to the knee before she even started her game. S played in a small pond when he was goalie. It was so muddy I swear the water was past his shoes when he was goalie. When we got home the kids played outside for a while. S had a birthday party in the afternoon. When it came time to go to sleep, P kept asking me to give her a few more minutes. Well I did. She asked me if she could snuggle with me. I told her no it was time for a shower. I looked at her a minute later and she was passed out at my feet.

Sunday we hung out at home all day. S and B went to a 4-H club meeting in the afternoon. It was so nice out that I made the kiddos play outside. P could not do it for long periods at a time because every time she saw a bug/fly/bee she wanted to go inside and play. P got to paint my toes for the first time ever.

Last Week

Monday-P has a field trip to 577 Foundation for school today. I have a doctor appointment at lunch, a meeting at a fitness center to do a workout program and then am going shopping at Walmart to check and see if there is any 90% Easter clearance left and Hobby Lobby for 80% Easter clearance. S has baseball in the evening but it is supposed to rain all day so I am guessing it will be cancelled.

Tuesday-S has soccer and piano lessons after school. B is working so P is going to ride along and we will find something to do while he is at soccer and piano.

Wednesday-P has school and I am helping out the 2nd graders at St. Rose with making rosaries. I did this last year with S and loved it. It is what started me making rosaries. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home. It is going to be in the 70s so hopefully the kids can play outside.

Thursday-P and I are taking my nieces to school in the morning. They have a late start. The rest of the day we have no plans so we will just hang out at home.

Friday-P does not have school so she is going to hang out with me. I am going to get my next batch of rosaries to make. To date I have made 350 rosaries in just under a year. I learned how to make them last year on P’s birthday. The rest of the day we are just going to be home.

Saturday-The kids have a Home Depot build and then soccer. S has a birthday party to attend in the afternoon.

Sunday-It looks like right now the only thing going on is a 4-H meeting for S.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.