Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

This week is spring break so no school all week.

Monday-We are going to hit up Legoland.

Tuesday-There is no catechism or piano lessons this week. I have a dentist appointment with a TMJ specialist. The appointment is about 2 hours I was told. Hopefully he can give me some ideas on what mouth guards I can wear at night.

Wednesday-No plans yet. S has asked to go to Dave and Busters. Depending on the kids were at Cosi and Legoland will determine if we go today.

Thursday-We have the Dierks Bentley concert in the evening. The kids are going to hang out with Grandma while we go. The weather is supposed to be nice today so hopefully the kids will be able to play outside.

Friday-I am hoping the weather is still nice out so the kids can play outside. We could try to do the zoo depending on the rain.

Saturday-S has a birthday party for his friend. Other than that we are just hanging out at home. We had another birthday party to go to that I was going to make a cake for but it got rescheduled.

Sunday-No plans for today just hanging out at home getting ready to go back to school.

Last Week Recap

Monday P had school in the morning. Tutoring was cancelled for the week so the kids just hung out at home the rest of the day.

Tuesday we hung out at home during the day. After school S had Reconciliation at church and then piano lessons.

Wednesday P had school in the morning. She had a sub today and when I picked her up I realized it was the teacher that S had when he was in the class. It was a wonderful surprise and the angels were singing. I really miss her not being the preschool teacher.  P played outside after school and I rollerbladed around the pool.

Thursday we hung out at home during the day. P got to decorate more of the house with Easter decorations. I took my niece to rowing practice and then got to hit Target by myself for an hour. I haven’t been since I went for Valentine 90% clearance. I did a little reconnaissance for Easter clearance and checked out the rest of the clearance in the store.

Friday P had school in the morning. We hung out at home for the rest of the day.

Saturday P and I went to storytime at the library and she got to meet Vanellope again. She met her in Cleveland before. I have to say comparing the two Cleveland Vanellope wins. Afterward we went to a birthday party. The kids played outside in the afternoon and B finished the door for the Winchester Treehouse.

Sunday we left in the morning to go to Cosi. I am typing this Saturday night so that is what the plan is as I typed this.

Last Week

Monday-P has school in the morning. They are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. She said she is not going to wear her Shamrock dress, we will see. The kids have tutoring with Kay after school.

Tuesday-Nothing happening during the day. S has Reconciliation and piano lessons after school.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning. The kids have tutoring after school with Kay.

Thursday-Nothing happening. Just going to be hanging out at home.

Friday-P has school in the morning. No plans for the afternoon. Spring Break starts for the kids after school!

Saturday-We have a birthday party in the morning. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home getting ready for Columbus.

Sunday-We are leaving in the morning to go to Columbus. We are going to Cosi today which the kids are going to love.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.