Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-P has school in the morning.  I am going to judge the district DECA competition at BGSU.  In the evening, P and I are going back to school for Mom’s Night.

Tuesday-P and I are going to hang out at home during the day.  S has catechism and piano lessons after school.  While S is at piano lessons P and I are going to go shopping.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning.  I am not sure if they are going to have school or maybe a delay because we are supposed to get freezing rain early Wednesday morning.  I am going to watch my niece in the evening.  P is excited to play with Little A.

Thursday-We are hanging out at home.  P asked if we could go to the aquarium at the zoo.  We may try to go in the afternoon before S gets home from school.

Friday-P has school in the morning.  We are having dinner with the neighbors.

Saturday-No plans for today, just hanging out at home.  I plan on getting the kids to do their Valentine cards for their school parties.

Sunday-P and I are getting up early to head to Cleveland to go to a princess meet ‘n’ greet with my brother.  B and S are going to hang out at home.

Last Week Recap

Monday P had school in the morning.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.

Tuesday the kids had school delayed and then cancelled.  P and I didn’t go to the morning birthday party because the roads were so icy.  In the afternoon, B and I ran to 2 Michael’s to see if they had any grab boxes/bags.  Neither store had either.  The kids got to play with their grandparents for a few hours while we were out.  While we were out I got a text saying they cancelled school for tomorrow.  S had catechism cancelled because school was but still went to piano lessons.

Wednesday the kids no school.  P and I hung out over at the neighbors.  The kids tried to blow ice bubbles (which didn’t work), and then throwing boiling water in the air and watching it turn into snow.  The kids loved that experiment and had us do it two more times.  May and I watched some shows on Netflix while the kids played.  They were actually quiet and playing nicely all morning.

Thursday the kids didn’t have school again.  We hung out at home during the day.  I was working on stuff on the computer and the kids were just hanging out playing.  We ended up going out to Reset for dinner with the neighbors to get out of the house.  The kids had a blast running around and playing the free games.

Friday the kids should have had school cancelled because it was icy outside and still 0° with a wind chill of -12°.  Those two factors alone should have delayed us for two hours at least.  I took P to school in the morning.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.  We ordered a new mattress for S and S is going to give his mattress to P.  She is finally asking to move to a big girl bed.  I think it is time and am excited for her.

Saturday we went and did the build at Home Depot in the morning.  Afterward we drove up the Maumee River on both sides looking at the ice and seeing how big, small, or non-existent the ice dams were.  The kids were super excited to look at all the ice and we even saw a bald eagle on the way back home.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.

Sunday it was so nice outside since we had the negative weather earlier in the week.  P and I played outside for a while and went on a walk.  We actually opened some doors and windows to air out the house.

Last Week

Monday-P has school and we are supposed to get a little snow.  P has kindergarten registration starting at noon.  This will be the last chance S will have to play outside after school until at least Saturday because of the weather.

Tuesday-I am questioning whether S is going to have school or not.  They are predicting the wind chill will be -15° in the morning.  I am thinking he will have school but you never know.  P and I are going to a morning birthday party.  It is with a friend I met through the mom group I used to go to.  I am excited to see her again.  S has catechism and piano lessons after school.  By then it will be so cold outside that he couldn’t play outside anyways.

Wednesday-We probably won’t have school because it is going to be so cold outside.  It will be a day of hanging out inside only.

Thursday-Another day we may not have school because of the wind chill.  They said they are going to call it the night before so we will know Tuesday and Wednesday night.

Friday-P has school in the morning as long as it is warm enough.  S will have school, too.  Fingers crossed.

Saturday-We have a build at Home Depot in the morning.  Afterward we are just hanging out at home.

Sunday-Another night of hanging out at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.