Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-P has school in the morning.  While she is at school I am going to run to as many Walgreens as I can to see if I can find any good 90% Christmas clearance.  I will probably try to convince P to go to a few more Walgreens with me when I pick her up from school.

Tuesday-P and I are hanging out at home during the day. I need to go through and move P up into the next size of clothes.  She is not quite there yet, but the 4T pants are too small.  S has catechism and piano lessons after school.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning.  Afterward we are going to run to Target and check out the toy clearance to see if there is anything good to go back for tomorrow if the toy clearance goes 70%.

Thursday-P and I are going to hang out at home.  We may run to Target for the 70% toy clearance, but there really isn’t anything that I need to get for the kids.  S is basically done with toys and P has everything she needs/wants.  The stuff she does want is not even close to being on clearance yet.

Friday-P has school in the morning.  We are supposed to get snow so they may have a delay or cancellation today.  No plans for the rest of the day just hanging out at home.

Saturday-I am working on making and decorating a cake for my sister.  She is having a Sprinkle (small baby shower) tomorrow.  We are supposed to get a ton of snow today.  The kids will have a field day and play outside if we do.

Sunday-My sister has her sprinkle in the afternoon.  Hopefully the roads won’t be bad and I will be able to make it.  The kids are going to hang out with B.

Last Week Recap

Monday P went back to school from winter break.  I had an appointment to get equipment to do a sleep study at home.  It was pretty easy to set up the equipment to do the study.  It was not easy to sleep with the stuff on.  I swear I kept waking up every hour and then after about 5:30am I don’t think I even slept longer than 15 minutes at a time.

Tuesday I was super tired in the morning.  I got S off to school because it was his first day back after winter break.  After B woke up I went back to sleep for a much needed nap.  S had catechism and piano lessons after school.  P did not want to take S with me so she hung out at May’s.  While S was at piano I ran and did a return at Kohl’s.  Of course, while I was there I had to check out the clearance.  I could not believe that some of the Christmas pajamas for kids were not on clearance yet.

Wednesday P had school.   After I dropped her off I ran to Walgreens to see if I could find any of the LOL dolls on clearance.  I didn’t but ran into an old friend and got to catch up with her.  After school we hung out at home for the rest of the night.

Thursday P and I hung out at home.  Not a whole lot going on.

Friday P had school in the morning.  After I picked her up we drove around in downtown Perrysburg looking at the ice sculptures that was set up for Winterfest.  I convinced B and the kids to go shopping with me down in BG at Wal-Mart to check out their 90% Christmas clearance.   I found quite a bit and was happy with what I was able to find scouring the regular sections for it.  Afterward we went to downtown Perrysburg and walked around to check out the ice sculptures.  It was pretty chilly so we didn’t hang out for too long.

Saturday we hung out in the morning and then went to Winterfest in the afternoon.  P got to meet Anna and Elsa.  We did the scavenger hunt trying to find the Disney ice sculptures that matched the clues given.  It started to snow so we headed home.  P played outside for just shy of two hours and S was out there for over 3 hours.  P had been talking all week about having a sleepover at A’s house so we made plans for that.  It was so cute because she packed her stuff in the morning.  She had her sleeping bag, pillow, stuffed Elsa, and Elsa nightlight.  We had dinner over there.  P tried her hardest to sleep there.  She tried for about an hour and half when she finally gave up.  She asked if she could go home so she could go to sleep.

Sunday P slept until 8:40am.  She was super tired for her tried and failed sleep over.  I got to sleep in while B took the kids to play outside in the snow.  B plowed the driveway and took P for a few rides.  We hung out at home the rest of the day.

Last Week

Monday-P starts school again.  She is so excited to go back.  S has the day off from school, still.  Ugh I am over him being home on break for so long.  I have an appointment at a sleep clinic to get equipment to do an at home sleep study tonight.

Tuesday-S goes back to school.  He is pretty excited about going back, too.  I have to return the equipment to the sleep clinic.  S has catechism and then back to piano lessons after.  P and I are going to run to Kohl’s while S is at piano to do some returns.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning.  The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.  It is going to be a slow, quiet week.

Thursday-P and I are hanging out during the day while S is at school.  It is going to be another night of hanging out at home.

Friday-B is off, and P has school in the morning.  Nothing else is happening.

Saturday-We are just hanging out at home.  No plans for the weekend.

Sunday-Another day of no plans.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.