Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-It’s Christmas Eve so presents in the morning, my family in the afternoon and B’s family in the evening.

Tuesday-Christmas Day.  The kids will be up early to open presents from Santa.  In the afternoon we are going to get together with Grandma G and Grandpa Bob.  The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Wednesday-S has a playdate in the morning.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.  We may start putting Christmas decorations away and bring the snowman out for winter.

Thursday-We don’t have any plans.  I am going to try to go to Target to scope out the holiday clearance for what I want at 70% & 90%.  Really just for 90%.

Friday-We are going to my brothers to celebrate with them.  I think we may have to stop at a few Targets depending on what the percentage is for the Christmas clearance.

Saturday-Probably another morning run to Target to check out Christmas clearance.  No other plans.

Sunday-Same as yesterday.  Target and hanging out at home.

Last Week Recap

Monday P had school, we watched Little A.  I went to a painting class at You Can Be An Artist in the evening.  It’s funny because I love the idea of doing the painting and then get frustrated because they don’t turn out like I want.

Tuesday P and I watched Little A again so we went out to see my aunt and uncle.  They both had fun and it made the day go by fast.  The kids and I wrapped the teacher gifts before they went to bed.  I still had some BBW candles from three years ago when they sent the same shipment 3 times, so each teacher and the bus driver got a candle with a $10 Target gift card.

Wednesday we had Little A again.  I took P to school and then brought Little A home and we both took a nap until it was time to pick-up P from school.  When S got home from school we decorated cookies.  The kids got bored after a while so we stopped about half-way through.  After they went to bed I made the goody bags for S’s class.  I like to do them for the kids so each kid gets something.  S doesn’t hand them out, he gives them to the teacher and they are handed out.  It is not about S giving them a gift; it is just about each kid getting a little something.

Thursday S had his last tech club in the morning so P and I took him to that.  It was also pajama day for S so he wore his Christmas Minion jammies.  P and I hung out at home with Little A during the day.  B went out to eat with his co-workers after work so it was just me and the kiddos.  They finished decorating the cookies and then decorated there gingerbread houses.

Friday P had school in the morning.  S had the day off of school.  B and I went to P’s school to see her with Santa and then for the classroom Christmas party.  Afterward we came home for a quick lunch and then went to see The Grinch.

Saturday P and I went to see Frozen: Disney on Ice.  We went with May and Baby L.  The girls had a fun time and loved every minute of it.  I really liked it, too.  We hung out at home in the afternoon and then went to B’s Cousin Christmas Party in the evening.

Sunday we hung out at home.  We were getting everything ready for Christmas Eve and Day.  I was making cookies, P and I wrapped presents, and then I wrapped more after they went to bed.  I took a break from making the cookies to take the kids one more time to look at Christmas lights.  We found the best decorated house in Perrysburg (our vote).  The kids loved it and it was a great way to end the evening.

Last Week

Monday-P has school in the morning.  I am doing a painting class in the evening with my neighbor.  I am excited to do hang out with my friend.

Tuesday-I am hoping to work on decorating the cookies we made on Sunday.  S has catechism after school.  He asked if I could schedule him a piano lesson to learn some Christmas music.  I guess he is regretting taking the month off from piano lessons.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning.  There are no plans after school so I am thinking we will finish decorating any cookies that we haven’t done yet.

Thursday-This is S’s last day before winter break.  He is excited to have his Christmas party at school.  I have to get on it if he is going to take gifts for all the kids in his class.

Friday-P still has school today.  She is having Santa Claus visit her classroom and then having her Christmas party.  After she gets out of school the plan is to go see the new Grinch movie.  Both kids are super excited to see the movie.

Saturday-We are going to Frozen: Disney on Ice, during the day.  We are going to B’s cousin Christmas party in the evening.  The kids will love to play with all the other kids.  They pretty much get to run around and play together.

Sunday-Today I will be finishing anything up that needs to be done for Christmas Eve: wrapping presents, making food, getting pajamas ready for bedtime.  I also have to make sure everything for Santa is ready.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.