Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-P has school in the morning.  I am doing a painting class in the evening with my neighbor.  I am excited to do hang out with my friend.

Tuesday-I am hoping to work on decorating the cookies we made on Sunday.  S has catechism after school.  He asked if I could schedule him a piano lesson to learn some Christmas music.  I guess he is regretting taking the month off from piano lessons.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning.  There are no plans after school so I am thinking we will finish decorating any cookies that we haven’t done yet.

Thursday-This is S’s last day before winter break.  He is excited to have his Christmas party at school.  I have to get on it if he is going to take gifts for all the kids in his class.

Friday-P still has school today.  She is having Santa Claus visit her classroom and then having her Christmas party.  After she gets out of school the plan is to go see the new Grinch movie.  Both kids are super excited to see the movie.

Saturday-We are going to Frozen: Disney on Ice, during the day.  We are going to B’s cousin Christmas party in the evening.  The kids will love to play with all the other kids.  They pretty much get to run around and play together.

Sunday-Today I will be finishing anything up that needs to be done for Christmas Eve: wrapping presents, making food, getting pajamas ready for bedtime.  I also have to make sure everything for Santa is ready.

Last Week Recap

Monday P had school in the morning.  I worked on making the characters for S’s cake for about 3 hours.  I got them finished and love how they turned out.  I am so glad that I made the frosting and colored it last night.

Tuesday P hung out with me at home. We made S’s cake and frosting.  He wanted banana flavor so that is what we did.  I was able to successfully transfer the characters onto the cake after I froze them.  A few of them broke apart but I was able to fix them once they were on the cake.  S had Reconciliation instead of catechism class so I went with him.  He was able to be in the front of the line so we were able to get out fast.  It gave more time at home before everyone came over.  S’s party went well and he had a good time playing with his friends and cousins.  P loved being the center of attention with her cousins.  She loves when they dote on her.

Wednesday P had school in the morning.  Both kids were super tired because they went to bed late last night.  We just hung out at home the rest of the day to take it easy.

Thursday the kids both received an elf warning from Chippy.  S for not turning in his homework and getting 2 pink slips and P for throwing huge fits yesterday.  P got to do PIYO at May’s.  She has done it before there and loves to do it.  I sat and held the baby and that is what I love to do.

Friday P had a pajama day at school and chose to wear Elf on the Shelf jammies.  As soon as she got home she wanted to get dressed in real clothes and not pajamas.  When S got home from school we decided to go to the Lights Before Christmas at the zoo.  Because the weather was so nice outside (52°) we thought it would be busy and wanted to get there right at 5pm when it opened.  I was surprised that it wasn’t busy at all.  We got to ride the train and then use the underground tunnel to get to the other side of the zoo.  They just reopened it after it being closed for years.  This is the first time that I went through it with B so it has been closed for at least 17 ½ years.  The kids had a blast and we met up with our neighbors and the kids got to see everything together.

Saturday P and I went to see the “Snow Queen” at story time.  It was Elsa and P was ecstatic.  Hardly any kids showed up so she got to sit in a circle on the ground with Elsa while she read them stories.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.  S never got out of his pajamas all day.  He was busy playing video games most of the day.  P tries to play with him or will sit and watch him sometimes.

Sunday S played outside for a good portion of the day.  P and I made cookie dough.  She ended up going outside to play with S, too.  I kept making cookies.  When P came back inside a few hours later we cut out the cookies.  Chippy the elf was sitting with the tablets in the morning so the kids did not get to play with them at all.  I kind of like them not having You Tube and really limiting their tablet time.  We may stick with this after December.

Last Week

Monday-P has school in the morning.  S has his last Eco Club meeting after school.  My plans for today are to work on the decorations for S’s birthday cake.

Tuesday-Today is S’s 9th birthday.  He has Tech Club in the morning before school.  After school he needs to get his homework done right away because he has reconciliation for catechism at 5pm.  I am going to ask his teacher if he can go first or close to the front so we can get out of their quick because we are celebrating his birthday after dinner.  We are doing cake and ice cream.  This year he picked a banana cake and banana frosting.  I have made it before so at least I know how to make it.

Wednesday-P has school and her Christmas program.  I loved when S had his at this age.  It is so much fun to watch all the kids stand at the front of the church and sing songs.  The rest of the day we are just going to hang out home.

Thursday-No plan for today.  Maybe P and I will make Christmas cookies.  I haven’t made them yet and need to get a move on it.

Friday-P has school in the morning.  If we made Christmas cookies yesterday then I am going to plan on decorating the cookies with the kids.  I used to buy my sprinkles at Target in the dollar spot for every holiday.  A few years ago they did away with the sprinkles and I totally miss it.  I hate spending a ton of money on sprinkles and loved when I could get them for only $1 a container.  For that size at another store I would pay $3-5 a container.

Saturday-P and I are going to the library for princess storytime.  This month is the “Snow Queen.”  When I did a little research on Laurel Princess it shows the “Snow Queen” is Elsa.  I really hope it is and P will be so excited about it.  I have prepared her in case it isn’t but fingers crossed.

Sunday-Nothing going on today, so maybe we will decorate gingerbread houses?  S will take forever, and P will try to sneak as much candy as she can.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.