Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-I am planning on keeping S home from school.  He just needs a day of recovery and regular eating before he can go to school.  P has school in the morning and the rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.  I am going to be washing tons of blankets.  Anything that S used when he was sick or possibly touched.

Tuesday-S has tech club in the morning before school.  P is getting her very first haircut in the afternoon.  I am excited and nervous.  She needs a little trim off the bottom, but I am so afraid she is going to lose her curls.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning.  After dinner we are finally getting our Christmas pictures done so I can make and send out cards.

Thursday-We don’t have any plans, so just S going to school and us hanging out at home.

Friday-P has school in the morning and no other plans.

Saturday-Nothing is happening as of now, but I am sure something will come up.

Sunday-S’s birthday has snuck up on us, so I am going to need to start work on making a cake.

Last Week Recap

Last week did not go as expected in anyway.  Illness was running around our house like crazy.

Monday I kept P home from school.  Her cough was crazy bad and she felt terrible.  She also had a fever that would come and go.  I got her into the doctor’s and it turned into a huge thing.  She was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and they called in antibiotics for her.  Before they let her go they wanted to take her pulse/ox to make sure she is getting enough oxygen.  It registered at 90%.  They said they would not let her leave the office if she was below 94%.  P got a breathing treatment and did pretty good while she had to get it.  It was her first time so she had no idea what to expect.  When they took her pulse/ox after it she was at 88% and now had a fever.  She was stumping the doctor and she did not know what to do with P.  So we had to wait in the room for another 10 minutes and hope that it would go up after she coughed some.  It went up to 89%.  The doctor said if it is below 90% they tell you to take your child to the ER.  I did not want to go to the ER, so she gave me the option of P getting an x-ray and if it was okay she could come back for a recheck tomorrow.  If it was bad I would have to take her to the ER.  I agreed.  P did great with the x-ray and was a champion.  By the time we got home the results were already in for the x-ray.  Thankfully, her x-ray was okay and we could do antibiotics, breathing treatments and a recheck tomorrow.  I had a doctor appointment in the afternoon because my rib still hurt so badly and it had been 2 weeks.  My doctor sent me for x-rays to see if I potentially cracked or fractured a rib.  I went for x-rays and just had to wait for the results.  I looked at my x-rays but did not take a picture of them (I so wish I had), and it looked like I could see a fracture.  When the doctor called me (on Wednesday) they said it was not a fracture.  It could be a crack in a rib or the cartilage was separated from a rib.  The only way to diagnose that is with an MRI.  The treatment is the same, time and rest.  My doctor called me in a steroid which I started Wednesday night.  It has helped and the pain has gone down substantial and is manageable.

Tuesday P and I hung out at home in the morning and they picked S up from school so they could both go to the doctor’s.  S was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and prescribed an antibiotic.  He was given the okay to return to school.  P was rechecked and her lungs still sounded crackly but her pulse/ox was up to 95%.  She needed a recheck in 2 weeks and S has his well visit in 2 weeks so they will check him again at that appointment.  S had his last piano lesson for a while.  He is going to take the month of December off and I am hoping he will want to start practicing again in January.

Wednesday P went back to school.  Not a whole lot was happening and we just hung out at home.

Thursday P and I took S to school for tech club.  We left from there and went to my hair appointment to get my hair trimmed.  P wanted to come so she can see what it is like before she gets hers done this week.  She could have cared less and had more fun rearranging all the nail polishes with her ponies.  The rest of the day we hung out at home.

Friday B took P to school and then went and got us tickets for Dierks Bentley.  He was the 2nd in line and got awesome seats.  B came home and went back to sleep because he has now caught the cold that the rest of us had and are still fighting.  I made him a doctor appointment but couldn’t get him in till Monday.  I got P from school and then we came home and hung out together.  I finally woke B up about 3ish so he could start getting ready for work.  I got to watch Little B and Baby L for a couple of hours.  I love watching Little B so much.  I actually beg for them to let me watch her and they can go out to eat without her.  No joke I love this baby.  About 9 I started to get my kiddos ready for bed and S said he didn’t feel good.  I thought he was procrastinating like normal until he started puking.  Thank goodness he already had a bowl and was prepared.  Well over the next 9 hours he puked over 25 times.  NO I am not exaggerating.  We were up every 20 minutes or so until about 6am.

Saturday we slowed down to every 1 to 2 hours.  I woke B up at 11 and begged him to watch S so I could get some sleep.  S finally fell asleep around 9am but P was awake so there was no rest for me.  I had to keep her away from him.  I took P to a build at Home Depot and she got to make a reindeer and sleigh.  It is the perfect size for her dolls. “Chippy” our elf made his appearance.  I tried to go to sleep but B still felt terrible so I looked up the Urgent Care and made B go and get looked at.  He came home a few hours later with antibiotics.  Both boys were sick and my ribs still hurt so it was going to be a long night.  B was so sick he ended up calling off from work.  Secretly I was smiling because he thought I was making more about my cold than what it really was.  S continued to get sick throughout the day sporadically.  He could not keep crackers or Vernor’s down.  He threw up for the last time Saturday night.  I spent another night on the couch to stay close to him and help him.

Sunday it was super nice outside.  It was 60°, sunny, but super windy.  S felt well enough to sit in a chair outside while P and I decorated the trees with balloon ornaments.  Afterward P and I went to the Perrysburg Christmas parade.  We both got to wear hoodies and not winter coats, hats, and gloves.  We got to see the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile which was exciting.  The rest of the day I hung out with S so he wasn’t by himself.  We were doing our best to keep P far away from S.  S finally started to eat small things and was keeping them down.  His energy was at like 10%.  Just sitting up was tiring for him.

Last Week

Monday-P has school but I am going to keep her home.  Her cold is nasty.  It is a barky cough like croup but it’s not croup.  I am hoping to get her into the doctor’s today.  S has school and then Eco Club after school.  I want to finalize S’s school project and send it to S’s teacher.  He wants to add some background color on to the slideshow.

Tuesday-S has school but not catechism after school.  He still has piano lessons.

Wednesday-P has school but no other plans.

Thursday-I am getting my haircut (finally), and then B and I are going to shop at Kohl’s to use the Kohl’s cash that I got shopping on Black Friday.

Friday-P has school.  The rest of the day we are just going to be hanging out at work.

Saturday-The kids have a Home Depot build in the morning.  They are going to make a reindeer and sleigh.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.

Sunday-We don’t have any plans, so we are just going to hang out at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.