Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

Last Sunday I woke up with what can best be described as Vertigo.  I have never had it before and always thought people made it up when they said they had vertigo.  Now I know it is real and will never doubt someone again when they say they have it.  It was so bad that I was puking from just walking to the bathroom.  I get motion sickness from car rides, roller coasters, etc. but it has never made me throw up before.  It was so bad on Sunday that I had to beg B to call off of work and stay home.  In the 17 ½ years we have been together I have never asked him to call off of work.  I didn’t know what to do, and thankfully he called off.  I thought it would get better by Monday but as I type this the following Sunday there is still a little bit left.  So I have no pictures from last week and don’t even know what happened most of the days.

This Week

Monday-P has school in the morning and S has Eco club after school.  I am planning on hanging out at home watching a little TV.  I started watching Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime and love it.  It is about if we lost WWII and the Germans and Japanese won.  It is so bizarre.

Tuesday-P and I are hanging out at home.  Hopefully we don’t get the snow mix they are predicting to cause a school delay or cancellation.  S is praying for it crossing his fingers.  After school S has catechism and piano lessons.  We decided to take the month of December off from piano lessons.  I think S is getting burnt out and we are always so busy in December.

Wednesday-P has a scheduled 2 hour delay so that will give her a late start.  S has school and after we are going skating at Ohio Skate.  The kids and I love to go roller skating.  P has been doing it since she was 18 months old.

Thursday-S has Tech club in the morning before school.  I am not sure what P is going to do today.

Friday-P has school.  I am making Baby L’s birthday cake for tomorrow.  I really wanted to make her a cat cake.  She loves her kitties.

Saturday-S has a pool party for 4-H.  P may go with them or stay home with me.  I am not sure if I will be done with the cake or finishing it up before the party.  We have Baby L’s 3rd birthday party.  The kids are so excited.

Sunday-I am hoping we can get the Christmas decorations.  I think I waited long enough to put up the decorations and tree.  I also want to make sure I have looked at all the Black Friday ads and have my shopping list done and what time the sales start.

Last Week Recap

Monday I spent the entire day in bed.  B got up and took the kids to school.  He picked P up after school and my friend picked S up from eco club.  B did go to work.  It made the night super hard.  Dinner was a very simple Pizza Rolls, and strawberries.  The kids helped a bunch when it came to getting ready for bed.

Tuesday the kids did not have school because it was voting day.  Since they use the schools at voting venues they do not have school for security issues.   S got breakfast for both of them in the morning.  P hung out with me in bed until B got up.  He took care of the kids from then on.  I was still super dizzy so sleeping was really the only thing that stopped it from happening.  Between Sunday and Monday I probably slept 44 of 48 hours.  S did not have catechism but he still had piano lessons.

Wednesday the kids both had school and B took care of all of that.  I was able to get a doctor appointment for the afternoon for my vertigo.  My doctor ended up giving me a script for nausea and to help with the vertigo along with some exercises.  I did convince B to take me to Target so I could check and see if there was any Halloween clearance left.  There was a little.  Afterward we ventured onto P’s parent/teacher conferences.  There were no real surprises.  Basically she does what she wants, tells everyone else what to do when they are not doing what they are told, and when she has to do something that she doesn’t know (like her letters), she says, “I’m bored, I don’t want to do this anymore.”  Yup that is our “Mowgli.”

Thursday was another day of hanging out at home.  I am feeling better but well enough to really walk anywhere.  I was able to take a shower and close my eyes which was another step at getting better.  You know by now it is killing me to not be on the internet trying to find deals.

Friday I had to get S ready for school on my own.  It was time for B to go back to work.  I managed to make S’s lunch for school.  Thankfully P did not have school so we hung out at home.  After school we went over to May’s to try and venture out of the house on my own.  When B got home we ran to Walmart to see if we could find any 90% Halloween/Fall clearance.  We found a little.

Saturday we hung out at home all day.  The kids loved the little bit of snow that was on the ground.  It was a day of hanging out together in my bed.  All three of us were piled in there while B was at work.  I let the kids decorate the doors with gel and window clings.  They were excited to start decorating for Christmas.  I got to babysit for Baby B after my kiddos went to bed.  I was just planning on going over to watch some TV and read my book.  She had other plans and I got to rock her and snuggle.  I loved every minute of it.

Sunday was another day at home.  S and I worked on his school project that he has.  I did some background work on it before he started so I knew what he was doing.  It was much easier since I did my own research before he did his.  I left him on his own and he worked on it for just under 2 hours.  That is some serious progress when it comes to homework.  P was being a little teenager and spent about 3 hours in her bedroom by herself.  She was playing on her tablet and playing with her dollhouse.

Last Week (2 weeks ago)

Monday-P has school in the morning.  S has Eco Club after school.  P has trick-or-treating at the Uptown Maumee businesses.  If everything goes okay I am hoping to carve pumpkins after dinner.

Tuesday-P and I are hanging out at home.  It is much needed, we both have terrible colds.  S has catechism after school but not piano lessons.  We took this week off in case we wanted to go to a Halloween event.  Since the weather is going to be a high of 60° hopefully the kids will feel like playing outside.

Wednesday-Today is Halloween.  P has school in the morning and her Halloween parade at 11am.  S has his Halloween parade in the afternoon.  After school it will be all about getting something to eat before we head out to trick-or-treat.  I don’t think we will be out long because both of my kids get bored.  They really don’t care about the candy.

Thursday-P is going to hang out with my aunt and uncle in the morning if her cold is better.  The rest of the day we are just going to be hanging out at home.

Friday-P has school in the morning.  S has a regular day at school.  No plans for after school.

Saturday-There is a build at Home Depot in the morning.  If the weather holds up we may try to put some Christmas decorations outside.

Sunday-No plans, just hanging out at home.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.