Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-P has school in the morning.  S has soccer practice after school and then homework.

Tuesday-I am watching Little A in the afternoon.  S has catechism and piano after school.  P and I are going to run some errands while he is at catechism.

Wednesday-P has school in the morning and just hanging out at home the rest of the day.

Thursday-We have no plans so we are hanging out at home.

Friday-P has school.  Not much else going on the rest of the day.

Saturday-S and P have soccer in the morning.  We have a wedding in the late afternoon and reception afterward.

Sunday-No plans just hanging out at home.

Last Week Recap

I watched Little A everyday.  My sister went back to work so I am helping out till she finds a babysitter.  She is a really easy baby to watch so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Monday was my birthday.  It was just another day.  P had school.  When she got home from school we made Angel Food Cake cupcakes.  I had read the directions and seen how it was done.  It did not work out for me and every one of them was burnt on the bottom.  The whole batch was tossed in the trash.  S had his first soccer practice.  While he was at that P and I hung out in the car.  After dinner instead of cake we did ice cream bowls for my birthday.

Tuesday P and I went to a few Walgreens checking out the 90% summer clearance.  I was totally bummed about not finding any pool floats.  S had his meet the teacher for catechism and then piano lessons.

Wednesday I hung out at home watching Little A during the day.  P had school in the morning.

Thursday we hung out at home.  It was nice out so the kids played outside after school.  The kids played until it was time to head in for showers and bed.

Friday P had school.  I spent the morning waiting online to buy tickets for Garth Brooks at the Notre Dame stadium.  I waited online for an hour and 15 minutes before I could buy tickets.  There wasn’t much left to pick from but we got tickets.  Not long after I got tickets it sold out.

Saturday I took the kids to the Harrison Rally day parade.  They love to watch a parade and go for candy.  Afterward we went to P’s first soccer game.  I thought she would love it but she was pretty shy and would not go after the ball.  At the end of the game I was telling her if she kicked it I would let her have ice cream after dinner.  That got her moving but she didn’t score any goals.  We went home for lunch and then had to head back to the fields for S’s first game of the season.  He had many attempts at getting a goal, but never actually got the ball in the goal.  It was hot and humid out so when he was done he had the reddest face.

Sunday B and S went to Bug Fest.  (That is for Volkswagen Beetles, not actual bugs.)  P hung out at home with me while I folded laundry all day.  No joke, I folded laundry for 6 hours with a break for lunch and that was it.  I am transitioning the kid’s clothes over to the next size so I had to wash all their dirty clothes and all the new clothes.  Twice as much laundry as normal.  After dinner we went swimming and then called it a night.

Last Week

I am watching my niece every day.  So I will have her during the day.  It is going to make for a busy week.

Monday-Today is my birthday.  Nothing special is planned.  The kids have school and I have my niece.  After school S has his first soccer practice of the season.  Then we have to eat dinner, finish homework, and get ready for bed.

Tuesday-P and I are going to watch my niece while S is in school.  Catechism starts tonight.  It is going to be a small meet and greet with the teacher.  S has piano lessons.

Wednesday-The kids have school and I am watching my niece.  As of now there are no plans after school.

Thursday-B switched shifts with a co-worker so he is working.  S has school and P and I will watch my niece.

Friday-The kids have school and I am watching my niece.  After dinner we have a meet the team for P’s soccer team.  She is beyond excited to start playing.

Saturday-It is Harrison Rally Day so I am taking the kiddos to the parade in the morning.  P and S both have their soccer games in the afternoon and team pictures.

Sunday-B switched with a co-worker so he will be home with us.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.