Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week I am watching my niece every day. So I will have her during the day. It is going to make for a busy week.

Monday-Today is my birthday. Nothing special is planned. The kids have school and I have my niece. After school S has his first soccer practice of the season. Then we have to eat dinner, finish homework, and get ready for bed.

Tuesday-P and I are going to watch my niece while S is in school. Catechism starts tonight. It is going to be a small meet and greet with the teacher. S has piano lessons.

Wednesday-The kids have school and I am watching my niece. As of now there are no plans after school.

Thursday-B switched shifts with a co-worker so he is working. S has school and P and I will watch my niece.

Friday-The kids have school and I am watching my niece. After dinner we have a meet the team for P’s soccer team. She is beyond excited to start playing.

Saturday-It is Harrison Rally Day so I am taking the kiddos to the parade in the morning. P and S both have their soccer games in the afternoon and team pictures.

Sunday-B switched with a co-worker so he will be home with us.

Last Week Recap

Monday was Labor Day. It was hot so it was a day for swimming. B and I went to see Big & Rich at the county fair. It down poured on us. We had fun but I was not impressed with the concert. They were okay but played more mash-ups and weird music instead of their own music.

Tuesday B and I had dentist appointments. I watched my niece in the morning. After dinner the kids swam after school. We didn’t have a ton of time, but the neighbors and our friends came over for a quick dip to cool off since it was 90°+ outside. I had a meeting for S’s catechism for the year. B and P took S to his piano lesson. Of course, she fell asleep in the car but woke up happy. That was nice since she had to go back to sleep not long after she woke up.

Wednesday P had preschool and when B picked her up from school she was a sweaty mess. She had only been outside for 5 minutes and was sweating already. I was surprised to see that they had outdoor recess with the heat index at 100°+. The plan was to swim after school until it was time to go in for showers and bed. That is exactly what the kids did. It was another day of swimming until the very end. Tomorrow was supposed to be only a high of 73°, so I have no idea if it will be warm again and I wanted the kids to really get a chance to use the pool one last time just in case.

Thursday was a day for playing outside. The kids finally had a nice day were they could play outside and not sweat like crazy. The kids were outside riding bikes. I left the kids home with B and went to volunteer my time to help cut out projects for P’s preschool. I thought it was a great idea. They had a cut night where the parents volunteer to come in for two hours and cut as much as we can in that time. I was amazed at how many parents showed up. Almost everything got done except for a few projects so I took those home with me and finished them on Friday.

Friday the kids had school. I worked on cutting out the remaining projects for P’s class. After school I traded kids with May and took the baby for a walk while she watched P. B worked on the “swingset” he is building before he went to work. The kids played together for a while. When the kids got hungry it was time to go home and call it a night.

Saturday we hung out inside because it was raining like crazy. There was not much we could do outside because of the rain. It was a day of watching movies, playing games, and P & S actually playing nice together.

Sunday was still another day of rain. We literally did nothing. Everyone did their own thing and we all hung out inside. I watched TV, refolded a drawer of P’s dresser. I am trying to decide if I want to keep trying the new folding method, KonMari Basic Folding Method, or keep it how I have always had it.

Last Week

Monday-It is Labor Day. We are going to hang out at home during the day. B and I are going to see Big and Rich in the evening at a local county fair. I have never been to a concert at a county fair so it could be interesting.

Tuesday-B and I have dentist appointments. I am watching Little A during the day. I have a parent meeting for catechism, and S starts back up with piano lessons after having a few weeks off.

Wednesday-P has preschool in the morning. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home. It is going to be another hot day so probably some swimming will be involved.

Thursday-We are just hanging out at home. Other than S having school there are no other plans. B at some point will probably go to the farmer’s market.

Friday-P has preschool in the morning. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Saturday-We are just hanging out at home. As of now we have no plans.

Sunday-Another day of hanging out at home with no plans. I will probably make a cake with P because tomorrow is my birthday.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.