Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-It is Labor Day.  We are going to hang out at home during the day.  B and I are going to see Big and Rich in the evening at a local county fair.  I have never been to a concert at a county fair so it could be interesting.

Tuesday-B and I have dentist appointments.  I am watching Little A during the day.  I have a parent meeting for catechism, and S starts back up with piano lessons after having a few weeks off.

Wednesday­-P has preschool in the morning.  The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.  It is going to be another hot day so probably some swimming will be involved.

Thursday-We are just hanging out at home.  Other than S having school there are no other plans.  B at some point will probably go to the farmer’s market.

Friday-P has preschool in the morning.  The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Saturday-We are just hanging out at home.  As of now we have no plans.

Sunday-Another day of hanging out at home with no plans.  I will probably make a cake with P because tomorrow is my birthday.

Last Week Recap

Monday S got on the bus for school and then I took P to preschool.  I picked S up early from school to go to an orthodontist appointment.  We went for the initial consultation because S is missing a permanent tooth and we know he is going to need braces.  I was not sure when that was going to be so they are going to see him every 9 months until they think he is ready.  I am hoping sooner rather than later because his teeth are getting crooked with the extra space created from the missing tooth.  It looks like he will get them sometime around 10 or 11.

Tuesday I got S off to school.  It was B’s birthday so I let him sleep in.  I made B an upside down pineapple cake for his birthday.  He has been asking for one.  I left the kids with B and went to see Taylor Swift in concert.  I bought the tickets back in December and finally got to use them.   I went with my sister and nieces.  I think my sister and I enjoyed it more than my nieces.  Totally the opposite of how I thought it was going to be.

Wednesday P had school in the morning.  She likes it more and more every day and is sad on the days she has to stay home.  It was a day of swimming with friends and neighbors.  The kids swam literally until it was time to go in for showers and bed.

Thursday after S got on the bus, B, P, and I went shopping.  P and I went to Walmart and Target while B went to Menards.  P and I found some good clearance clothes.  Not exactly what I was looking for.  I was hoping for back-to-school supplies and toys on clearance.  Instead I came across clothes.

Friday P had school in the morning.  When I picked her up from school we did a little shopping together.  I had only planned on going to Walmart, but P wanted to do more shopping so we went to Meijer and Target.  I didn’t find much at any of the stores.  When we were done at Target I was ready to head home because I was starving.  P wanted to go get pears and peaches at Haslinger’s Orchard.  She didn’t make it and ended up falling asleep on the way down to the orchard.  It takes about 50 minutes round trip so she slept for most of that and another hour when we got home.  She really needed the nap.  We ended the night swimming with the neighbors.  The kids all had a really good time.

Saturday we took the kids to the Home Depot build in the morning and then went to their cousin’s swim birthday party.  The kids had fun swimming with their cousins.  I swam with them and of course got burnt.  Yes I was wearing sunblock but it doesn’t matter with me.  By the time we got home the kids were so tired it was showers and bed.

Sunday we hung out at home.  The kids and I just vegged out in the morning.  I folded laundry and watched a few episodes of “Hand of God,” on Amazon Prime.  I really like the show and cannot get enough of it.  After I was done folding laundry the kids and I went outside to swim for the afternoon.

Last Week

Skipped this post so nothing to compare it to.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.